World Vision Launches The WASH and DRR Project, funded by the BMZ

To improve child well-being and resilience of students in Area C in West Bank, World Vision and The Palestinian Hydrology Group (PHG) launched the “Building resilience and ensuring protective hygiene in WASH and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) systems at schools’ level in Area “C” Project. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) funds this 34 months long project with a total budget of 2 million Euros. In alignment with the Ministry of Education strategy, the project aims to target 50 schools located in area C in the West Bank and benefiting approximately 9631 male and female students aged 6-16, in structured activities focusing on WASH and DRR. The project aims to improve student’s access to enhanced WASH facilities, promote hygiene practices, and increasing the readiness of students and schools to respond to disasters. In addition, the project’s interventions will benefit directly the schools through the development of the school safety plans, the ToT training for school health committees and teachers, awareness and capacity building activities at school and community levels, WASH infrastructure work and DRR tools.
Moreover, the project will increase the capacity of the partner organization in several important fields including finance, procurement, child protection and fundraising. NGOs such as PHG have a long-term presence in the targeted communities, and will thus sustain the efforts made through this project.
By the end of this meeting, both partners agreed to start the coordination meetings with the Ministry of Education and other related stakeholders to start implementing the activities of the project.
Together with the Ministry of Education and the Palestinian Civil Defense Unit, World Vision and PHG will closely work within the framework of the project in order to sustain its outcomes through having students enjoy a safer school environment.