World Vision Signs a Partnership Agreement with the Ministry of Labour

As part of its response plan to the #COVID19 pandemic in the West Bank, World Vision Jerusalem - West Bank - Gaza (JWG) signed a partnership agreement with the Palestinian Ministry of Labour (MoL). The agreement aims to provide the Ministry with protection material against the virus for three months, covering the need of 11 vocational training centers, targeting 1,500 students and teachers in all governorates of the West Bank. The total value of these materials reached $36,000, $18,000 covered by World Vision JWG and its equivalent covered by the MoL.
Attended the meeting the Minister of Labor, Dr. Nasri Abu Jaish, the Director of Public Relations at the Ministry, Mr. Rami Mahdawi, the Director of Vocational Training Centers at the Ministry, Eng. Nidal Ayesh, and the Director of Operations at World Vision JWG, Mr. Alfred Nurja, and the Lead of the Life Skills Program for Youth, Mrs. Lubna AlBandak-Matar.
During the meeting, the Minister expressed his appreciation to World Vision, expressing the importance of their support to the Palestinian people, especially providing protection material against #coronavirus to teachers and students in the vocational training centers. Confirming this, Eng. Ayesh said: "This current support is important, and we do not forget your previous support to us by providing a total of half a million dollars during the past four years to develop the vocational training centers in the ministry. This support increased the number of young people enrolled in vocational training programs and created job opportunities for them."
On the other hand, Mr. Nurja said: “This support comes within World Vision JWG to the Covid-19 pandemic, through helping to implement preventive measures against the virus. We also consider creating job opportunities and improving the economic situation of the country during the period after the virus is contained, one of the most important steps to support the economic situation. Moreover, in October, World Vision will re-open projects to develop and improve the vocational training centers, in partnership with the Ministry of Labour, because the organisation believes that creating job opportunities for young people will recover the economy after its deterioration due to the pandemic.”