Building Resilience: World Vision Kenya Officially Hands over the Kalobeyei Integrated Drought Response and Management Project (K-DREAM) to Turkana West Community

K-DREAM Handover
Monday, March 24, 2025

Turkana County, one of Kenya’s arid and semi-arid regions, faces perennial droughts and floods fueled by climate change. These extreme conditions have left local communities struggling, with failed crops and dying livestock threatening their foodlivelihoods, and access to water. Among those hardest hit are children, who often walk miles under the scorching sun in search of water for their families and livestock.

To support the people of Turkana West, World Vision Kenya, with funding from the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), launched the Kalobeyei Integrated Drought Response and Management (K-DREAM) Project to equip communities with essential life-saving skills and strengthen their resilience against climate change, helping the community build a more secure and sustainable future.

The three-year project (January 2022 – December 2024) targeted the Kalobeyei Refugee Settlement and host community in Turkana West, reaching six wardsKalobeyei, Lonyuduk, Nalapatui, Natira, Oropoi, and Songotdirectly supporting 3,600 participants and indirectly impacting over 31,000 people. Over the past three years, the project has provided more than $15,000 USD in cash relief through training and cash-for-work initiatives, offering critical support to 332 households.

Key initiatives rolled out included constructing and upgrading water systems; training on Climate Smart Agriculture technologies such as agriculture conservation, agroforestry, integrated pest management, and the use of drought and early maturing crops using drip irrigation; establishing kitchen gardens and stocking of chicken and drought resistant galla goats to strengthen nutrition and income. 

From Left to Right: World Vision Kenya Cluster Manager for Turkana & West Pokot, Tom Masinde (left), Anthony Oyugi, K-Dream Project Manager (front right), and William Omole, Ag. Disaster Management Director, (second right) join the CEC of Water Services, Turkana County, and local leaders for the official handover of the Eskiriat water kiosk with an elevated storage tank to the community. © World Vision Kenya/ Jared Ontobo
From Left to Right: World Vision Kenya Cluster Manager for Turkana & West Pokot, Tom Masinde (left), Anthony Oyugi, K-Dream Project Manager (front right), and William Omole, Ag. Disaster Management Director, (second right) join the CEC of Water Services, Turkana County, and local leaders for the official handover of the Eskiriat water kiosk with an elevated storage tank to the community. © World Vision Kenya/ Jared Ontobo

Marking three years of progress, the K-DREAM project was officially handed over to the Kalobeyei settlement community in Nalapatui village, Turkana West, showcasing significant achievements. 

At the handover, William Omole, Acting Director for Disaster Management at World Vision Kenya, Tom Masinde, Cluster Manager for Turkana & West Pokot Counties, and Anthony Oyugi, K-DREAM Project Manager, celebrated the project's impact on both host and refugee communities. 

Key successes include: 

  • Sustainable Water Access: The construction of a 3.8 km pipeline, a water kiosk, and livestock watering troughs, benefitting 250 households and an ECD center with over 300 pupils. Additionally, two water pans with a combined capacity of 42,000 cubic meters were constructed and rehabilitated, benefiting 1,246 households and 50,000 livestock.
  • Climate-Smart Agriculture: Over 332 households were trained on climate-smart techniques, including soil and water conservation, post-harvest management, small stock management, and distribution of Okra, Sorghum, Kale, Spinach, Watermelon, Jute Mallow seeds, farm tools, and water tanks.
  • Livelihood Support: 2,170 chicks and 319 Galla goats were distributed to enhance agropastoral production, boosting both income and nutrition for the community.
  • Pasture Production: Establishment of Nalapatui and Eskiriat Pasture Farms, covering 10 acres each, supported by four 10,000-liter storage tanks.
  • Peaceful integration and harmonious coexistence: Reduction in resource-based conflicts and curbing migration to the Uganda border in search of water and pasture. This has fostered peaceful integration and harmonious coexistence between the host and refugee communities and their neighbors. 

William Omole, Ag. Disaster Management Director, World Vision Kenya, addresses the gathering at Nalapatui village during the handover of the K-DREAM project to the community. © World Vision Kenya/ Jared Ontobo
William Omole, Ag. Disaster Management Director, World Vision Kenya, addresses the gathering at Nalapatui village during the handover of the K-DREAM project to the community. © World Vision Kenya/ Jared Ontobo

Turkana County Executive Committee (CEC) member Patrick Losike Lokaimoe, while receiving the project on behalf of the community, commended World Vision Kenya and KOICA, through World Vision Korea, for empowering the community with sustainable and life-saving projects. He reiterated that the government of Turkana County will continue supporting the community to ensure the sustainability of the projects.

Turkana West Assistant County Commissioner, Mr Patrick Omuse, reassured the community of the government’s commitment to securing the projects. “The County Commissioner’s office, in collaboration with local leaders and elders, will work together to ensure the safety of these initiatives.” He urged residents to report any incidents of vandalism, emphasizing that disciplinary action would be taken against anyone found damaging the projects for personal gain.

Margaret Asiokoyi, a World Vision’s Climate Agriculture training participant, waters vegetables in her kitchen garden in Kalobeyei. © World Vision Kenya/ Jared Ontobo

Community members from Kalobeyei Settlement, World Vision Kenya Kakuma staff, Turkana County government officials, local administration, and other partners at the official handover of the K-DREAM project in Nalapatui village. © World Vision Kenya/ Jared Ontobo

The handover ceremony was graced by World Vision Kenya’s Acting Disaster Management Director, William Omole, Hon. Patrick Losike Lokaimoe (CEC for Water Services, Turkana County Government), K-DREAM Project Manager Anthony Oyugi, Tom Masinde, Cluster Manager for Turkana & West Pokot Counties, K-DREAM project staff, local government administration, humanitarian partners, and the jubilant and vibrant Turkana West community members.  

By Jared Ontobo, Emergency Communications Specialist, World Vision Kenya