Lake Chad Basin crisis: More than 18,000 displaced people access safe drinking water in Baga Sola

The security situation in neighboring countries (Libya, Central African Republic, Nigeria, Niger and Sudan) continues to generate significant population movements towards Chad, particularly in the south of the country, as well as internal displacements in the Lake region. The Lake Chad crisis has caused the internal displacement of more than 130,000 people. The majority of these people are women and children. Fleeing the abuses of armed groups of Boko Haram, these people found themselves in hostile areas without water, health systems, nor school for their children.
Since the beginning of Lake Chad crisis, World Vision is working to enable both displaced populations and host populations to meet their basic needs. Despite government interventions and humanitarian assistance, the situation remains worrying as population movements continue.
To respond to the crisis in Lake Chad, World Vision Chad facilitated access to drinking water by allocating more than 70% of its budget to increasing access to drinking water, especially to women and Children. Donors through World Vision Germany, USA and Canada support with funds and more than 18,000 displaced people are benefiting from the drinking water from 45 boreholes made available by World Vision Chad.

For resilience purposes, World Vision is working with various technical partners and local authorities to diversify support activities. These diversified activities include the distribution of agricultural inputs to support agriculture production, kitchen gardens for household consumption and income generating activities business. Importantly, World Vision provided kits to ensure proper storage of water; trained and sensitized parents on child protection and building child-friendly spaces to enable children play.
During the ceremony of official hand over of boreholes to the local authorities, the perfect (head of the department) Ahamat Adoum Seid expressed his appreciation: "I want to thank World Vision for its commitment to the most vulnerable by providing people in need with water. The partnership between the Local Authorities made it possible to support the people in need. And I rejoice for this far we have worked together”

One lady Fatime who benefited shared her successful story “We are happy because our suffering has reduced. We used to walk for miles to look for water that was even dirty. Our children had swollen bellies and were always sick. We were desperate. Today, we are very grateful that these water points are helping to improve the health of our children. Moreover, with the training we have received, we are able to preserve these boreholes for the well-being of ourselves and of our children. "