Reflecting on Christ at the Centre: World Vision Lesotho's Day of Prayer

Christ at the center al all times
World Vision Lesotho staff lift their voices in praise during the annual Day of Prayer, embodying our commitment to keep Christ at the centre of our mission to serve vulnerable children
Wednesday, October 2, 2024

By: Lerato Brown, Communications and Marketing Manager, Lesotho

As the sun rose over the mountains of Lesotho on October 1st, 2024, the staff of World Vision Lesotho joined hands and hearts with our global partners in the annual Day of Prayer (DoP). This year's theme, "Christ at the Centre at All Times," inspired by Colossians 1:16-17, resonated deeply with our mission and values as we reflected on the past year's achievements and looked forward to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The Heart of Our Mission

World Vision's mission to bring fullness of life to the most vulnerable children is rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ. As we gathered for prayer and reflection, we were reminded of the powerful words from Colossians:

"For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." - Colossians 1:16-17

These words serve as a compass, guiding our every action and decision in the humanitarian context. They remind us that our work is not just about providing material assistance, but about embodying the love and compassion of Christ in everything we do.

Christ at the Centre in Our Programming

As we reflected on how to keep Christ at the center of our work, we examined each area of our programming through this spiritual lens:

Child Protection: Safe and Secure Childhoods

In our efforts to protect children and provide them with opportunities through sponsorship, we see the face of Christ in every child we serve. By prioritizing their well-being and development, we honour the One who said, "Let the little children come to me" (Matthew 19:14).

We believe a world without violence against children is possible, and this belief is rooted in our faith in a God who loves and protects the vulnerable. Our approach to child protection focuses on:

  1. Empowering boys and girls: We equip children with knowledge of their rights and the confidence to speak up, reflecting Christ's empowerment of the marginalized.

  2. Strengthening families: We support parents and caregivers, recognizing the biblical importance of family in nurturing children.

  3. Partnering with communities: We mobilize community-based child protection mechanisms, embodying the Christian principle of communal responsibility.

  4. Catalysing faith communities: We engage churches and faith leaders to champion child protection, leveraging the power of faith to bring positive change.

  5. Influencing governments: We advocate for stronger child protection laws and policies, fulfilling our calling to be salt and light in society.

Through these efforts, we strive to prevent violence, respond to it when it occurs, and restore affected children to a state of holistic well-being – physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH): Flowing with Living Water

As we bring clean water and improved sanitation to communities, we're reminded of Jesus' words about living water (John 4:14). Our WASH programs not only improve physical health but also serve as a tangible expression of God's love and provision.

We believe every child deserves – and has the right – to use safe water and live in a clean environment. Our WASH initiatives focus on:

  1. Water: Providing sustainable access to clean water sources, reflecting God's provision for His people.

  2. Sanitation: Improving sanitation facilities and practices, honouring the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

  3. Hygiene: Promoting good hygiene practices, embodying the cleansing and renewing power of Christ.

  4. Menstrual Hygiene: Ensuring dignity and education for girls, affirming their worth as created in God's image.

  5. WASH in Emergencies: Responding swiftly to crises, demonstrating Christ's compassion in times of need.

By ensuring WASH services in schools and healthcare facilities, we enable children to stay healthy and focused on learning, and provide higher quality care for patients, including mothers and newborns. This holistic approach reflects our belief in nurturing both body and spirit, as Christ did in His ministry.

Health and Nutrition: Nourishing Body and Soul

Christ's ministry was one of healing and nourishment. In our health and nutrition programs, we strive to follow His example, bringing wholeness to body and spirit alike.

We envision a world where all children are healthy and well-nourished, empowering them to thrive as God intended. Our approach includes:

  1. Community Health Workers (CHW): Training local individuals to provide basic health services, embodying Christ's call to serve one's neighbors.

  2. Nurturing Care Groups (NCG): Supporting mothers and caregivers in child nutrition and care, reflecting the nurturing love of God.

  3. Community Health Committees (COMM): Mobilizing communities to take ownership of their health, fostering stewardship of God's gift of life.

These family- and community-centered approaches focus on behaviour change, health system strengthening, and advocacy, addressing the leading causes of illness and mortality among children under five. By breaking the cycle of vulnerability, we work towards fulfilling Christ's promise of abundant life (John 10:10).

Livelihoods and Resilience: Breaking the Cycles of Poverty

By empowering communities to build sustainable livelihoods, we reflect God's desire for human flourishing. We're inspired by the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) to help people develop their God-given abilities and resources.

Our goal to end the cycle of poverty by 2030 aligns with our mission to enable the most vulnerable children to reach their full potential and enjoy life in its fullness. Key strategies include:

  1. Ultra-Poor Graduation: Helping extremely poor families become economically self-reliant, restoring dignity as bearers of God's image.

  2. Building Secure Livelihoods: Strengthening food production and increasing resilience, reflecting God's provision and human stewardship.

  3. Savings for Transformation: Promoting financial literacy and savings, embodying biblical principles of wise resource management.

  4. Microfinance: Providing access to financial services, enabling communities to use their God-given talents.

  5. Women's Economic Empowerment: Promoting equality and opportunity for women, affirming their equal worth in God's eyes.

Through these approaches, we strive to graduate families out of extreme poverty, strengthen food production, promote sustainable employment, and empower women economically. This holistic transformation reflects Christ's concern for both spiritual and physical well-being.

Climate Action: Stewarding God's Creation

As stewards of God's creation, our climate action initiatives are a response to the biblical mandate to care for the earth (Genesis 2:15). We recognize that environmental justice is intrinsically linked to social justice and the well-being of the most vulnerable.

Our goal is to create a thriving environment for children and future generations, aligning with God's plan for creation. We focus on:

  1. Climate Smart Agriculture: Promoting sustainable farming practices that honour God's creation.

  2. Regreening Communities: Restoring degraded land, reflecting God's restorative work in all aspects of life.

  3. Children's Voices in Climate Action: Empowering young people to advocate for their future, echoing Christ's affirmation of children's worth.

  4. Reducing Climate Risks: Implementing disaster risk reduction strategies, demonstrating godly wisdom and foresight.

  5. Citizen Voice and Action: Mobilizing communities to advocate for climate issues, fulfilling our role as salt and light in society.

By addressing both the impacts and causes of climate change, we work towards positive development outcomes for children, honouring our call to be good stewards of God's creation.

Emergency Responses: Christ's Compassion in Action

In times of crisis, we aim to be the hands and feet of Christ, bringing comfort, hope, and practical assistance to those in dire need. Our emergency responses are guided by Jesus' teaching on being a good neighbour (Luke 10:25-37).

We stand with communities from disaster through to recovery and rebuilding, providing:

  1. Food and clean water, reflecting Christ's provision for physical needs.

  2. Mental health support, offering the comfort and peace of God.

  3. Education and child protection activities, safeguarding the vulnerable as Christ did.

  4. Disease prevention measures, honouring life as a precious gift from God.

By working with local people, partners, governments, and international organizations, we embody the body of Christ coming together to serve those in need.

Advocacy: Amplifying Voices for Justice

Our advocacy work is rooted in the biblical call to "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" (Proverbs 31:8). By keeping Christ at the centre, we ensure that our efforts are always focused on justice, mercy, and the dignity of every individual created in God's image. Our current #ENOUGH campaign calls for action to end child hunger and malnutrition through:

  1. Say ENOUGH: Listening to children's ideas on hunger and nutrition, valuing their voices as Christ did.

  2. Act ENOUGH: Taking action for school meals, micronutrient support, and emergency aid, embodying Christ's compassion.

  3. Give ENOUGH: Encouraging child sponsorship to ensure children have enough nourishing food, reflecting God's provision through His people.

  4. Pray ENOUGH: Uniting in prayer for every child to thrive, acknowledging our dependence on God's grace and provision.

Through these advocacy efforts, we strive to influence policies and practices that affect children's well-being, bringing God's kingdom "on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10).

Voices of Reflection

The impact of keeping Christ at the centre of our work is best illustrated through the voices of those who are part of the World Vision Lesotho family:

National Director, James Chifwelu:

"As we reflect on this Day of Prayer, I am humbled by the way our team embodies Christ's love in their daily work. Keeping Christ at the centre isn't just a theme, it's the very essence of who we are and why we serve. It's what enables us to bring hope and transformation to the communities we work with in Lesotho."

Faith and Development Manager, Mohau Moeketsi:

"Prayer is the lifeblood of our organization. It's through prayer that we align our hearts with God's will and find the strength to face each day's challenges. This annual Day of Prayer reminds us that our work is not just a job, but a calling, a partnership with God in His redemptive work in Lesotho."

Advisory Council Chair, John Matlosa:

"Seeing our staff come together in prayer and reflection fills me with hope for the future of Lesotho. When we keep Christ at the centre, we tap into a power greater than ourselves, a power that can truly transform lives and communities."

The impact of our Christ-centred approach is perhaps most poignantly seen in the lives of the children we serve:

Boitelo Ntheola, 12 years old:

"World Vision has helped me to stay in school and dream big. They taught me that Jesus loves me and that I can do anything with His help. I'm thankful for the food, the clean water, and the love they bring to our village."

Puseletso Mohloli, 17 years, 15 years old:

"Before World Vision came, I didn't have much hope for the future. Now, I have sponsors who pray for me, and I've learned skills that can help my family. I know that God has a plan for my life, and World Vision is helping me to find it."

Our staff, too, find deep meaning in their work:

Pulane Mokhethi, Humanitarian Emergency Affairs Manager:

"Working for World Vision isn't just a job, it's a ministry. Knowing that we're part of God's plan to bring fullness of life to children gives purpose to even the most challenging days. Keeping Christ at the center reminds me why I do what I do."

Malefetsane Fosa, WASH Design Monitoring and Evaluations Officer:

"Every time I see a child drink clean water for the first time, I'm reminded of God's love. It's a privilege to be part of an organization that allows me to live out my faith through my work every day."

Looking Ahead with Hope

As we conclude our reflections on this Day of Prayer and look toward the future, we are filled with a renewed sense of purpose and hope. Keeping Christ at the center at all times is not always easy in the face of the complex challenges we encounter in our work. Yet, it is precisely this focus that gives us the strength, wisdom, and compassion needed to persevere.

We are reminded of the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (John 15:5). As we abide in Christ, we trust that He will continue to work through us, bringing hope, transformation, and fullness of life to the children and communities of Lesotho.

To our staff, supporters, and donors, we express our deepest gratitude for your partnership in this Christ-centered mission. Together, with Christ at the center, we can continue to make a lasting difference in the lives of the most vulnerable, reflecting God's love and bringing His kingdom "on earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10).

May we always remember that in all our efforts—be it in child protection, WASH, health, livelihoods, climate action, emergency response, or advocacy—Christ is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Let us move forward with faith, hope, and love, keeping Christ at the center at all times.

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Colossians 3:17