A Girls Fight Against Abuse
On a sunny morning in the Mangochi heat, Mary (not her real name) went to school as usual. With a gloomy face, in a class without desks where the learners sit on the floor, she sat uncomfortably trying to listen to her teacher.
“Mary, please sit properly like a girl,” her teacher said while walking towards where Mary was sitting. She could not sit properly because she had swellings and wounds in her private part.
After classes, the school matron listened to her story. The matron reported the matter to the school authorities who later informed the mother of the girl.
“She has not been playing with her friends these days and has been unhappy,” narrated Mary’s mother. “Later I noticed that she is having difficulties in walking,” she added.
The matter was then referred to the community rapid response team in the area. When Mary was taken to the nearest health facility for proper assessment, it was noted that Mary had sexually transmitted infections. This is where Mary revealed that Mr Banda (not his real name) had been sleeping with her at his home. At this level, the rapid response team referred the matter to the police who later arrested MR Banda.
“He called me and my other three friends to his home to help him clean his plates. He promised to pay us money after the work,” Mary explained.
“While there, he told my friends to go to a nearby borehole to fetch water to use when cleaning the plates. He said I should remain behind so that I should sort out other things,” Mary said while tears poured down her cheeks.
She narrated that while her friends were at the borehole, Mr Banda forced himself on Mary and had sex with her.
“He told me not to tell my friends or anyone because if I tell them, something bad will happen to me. He then gave me one hundred kwacha,” Mary said while sobbing.
Another day he took me to a maize garden where he also had sex with me. I could not tell anyone because he frightened me that I would die if I tried to reveal whatever he was doing to me,” Mary said.
When Mr. Banda appeared before the magistrate court, he was found guilty of defilement and was charged to serve a 21-year jail term.
The Community Rapid Response Team also reported the matter to social welfare. Through the social welfare office, the AGYW program facilitated psychosocial support to Mary and her parents. Mary is now back to school and attending classes.
With support from World Vision, ActionAid Malawi is implementing the Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) program in Mangochi. One of the objectives of the AGYW program that addresses structural drivers of HIV is the elimination of all forms of gender-based and intimate partner violence (GBV). To achieve this several stakeholders and committees are involved both at the district and community level.
One such committee is the Community Rapid Response Team (CRRT) which is supervised by the District Rapid Response Team (DRRT). The CRRTs are responsible for generating community-based action against GBV, early marriages, dropping out of school, and creating HIV awareness. The DRRT supervises and takes up some cases from the CRRT.