Mali Eco Agricultural Lifeline Secures The Future

World Vision's ZonalOperations Manager for South and Western Mali region, Adama Keita (centre), hands over the final Eco Agricultural report to the chief of Diema Prefecture, Abou Diarra (right).
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

(By Michael Arunga – Emergency Communications Specialist, World Vision Mali)

Beneficiaries of a project in Mali that addressed food security, climate change and livelihoods, have described the initiative as one that secures their future, in a country that is ravaged by conflict and a protracted humanitarian crisis.

The two phases of the Eco Agricultural project, launched seven years-ago by World Vision Mali ends with all set objectives accomplished and sustainability assured.

The project funded at a cost of USD 4,129,747 from World Vision US and the Margerit Cargil Foundation (MACF), covered Mali, Ghana and Burkina Faso.

A recent stakeholders Forum in Bamako that included community beneficiaries, officials from the ministry of environment, government administrators, World Vision national and project staff, hailed the project as a successful Eco Agriculture and Savings for Transformation (S4T) best practice that is worth emulating.

Several speakers at the forum noted that the Eco Agricultural project primarily addressed climate change and food security, contributing to promoting resilience, amidst humanitarian challenges.

“Twenty-six thousand trees were planted, employment secured for over four thousand people, amongst other benefits,” World Vision Mali and Mauritania Interim National Director, Jean-Claude Mukadi said.

Participants were informed that while direct funding from World Vision and MACF had ended, support will still be available for the Saving for Transformation groups from VisionFund, World Vision’s micro finance institution.

“This is not the end of the road on financial support. Funds can still be borrowed from VisionFund and repaid, as per borrowing conditions,” the outgoing Project Manager, Ezekiel Dembele said.

Chief of Mali’s Diema prefecture, Abou Diarra noted that World had built a solid relation with relevant government departments, who will continue supporting the groups through the ministries of agriculture and environment.

In attendance was World Vision’s Zonal Operations Manager for South and Western Mali region, Adama Keita.