Clean Water Brings Hope to Mozambican Communities

By António Massipa, Regional Communications and Advocacy Coordinator
In the rural district of Murrupula, northern Mozambique, a new water source has transformed the lives of 16-year-old Dina and her community. Thanks to funding from the United Kingdom, and work by World Vision, a manual pump borehole was installed in 2024, providing clean, accessible water.
Before the borehole was built, Dina and her neighbours faced a daily struggle. Their only water source was a river, a 30-minute walk away. The river water was “dirty, smelled bad, and often caused illness,” the adolescent girl says.

In Dina’s culture, like many in Mozambique, girls are responsible for collecting water. This meant long, dangerous journeys, putting them at risk of violence and harassment, and disrupting their education.
The new borehole now serves over 100 families, including Dina’s. “I feel so much safer now that we have a borehole close to home,” Dina says. “I don't have to worry about the dangers of going to the river. My hygiene has also improved, and I feel much better,” she adds.
The impact goes beyond just health and safety. With reliable access to clean water, Dina is now planning for the future. She dreams of starting a small farm field “for growing vegetables to earn money” and become independent.
“Before, I couldn’t even think about having a garden because there was no water. But now, I’m getting ready to plant. I’ve prepared the land and I’m waiting for the seeds,” she explains.
Dina’s story shows the transformative power of access to clean water. It is not just about drinking water. It is about safety, health, hope and the chance for a better future. It is about the potential that is unlocked when basic needs are met. Collaborative efforts of World Vision and United Kingdom funding are contributing to ensuring Dina and her community build a brighter, healthier, and more secure future.