OVERCOMING DISABILITY TO SPREAD GOD'S LOVE FOR CHILDREN: the inspirational journey of Catechist Dinis

Here, Dinis takes a photo after a conversation over his work with a World Vision staff.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

By: Dulcido Sambo

Dinis Lauia, a respected religious and community leader in Memba district, northern Mozambique, has defied the odds and become an inspiring figure in his community. Despite his physical disability, Dinis has devoted over two decades to educating children every weekend, providing moral and ethical teachings rooted in the values of respect and protection.

In Memba, as in many rural areas, people with disabilities often face stigma and other stereotypes, as people think that disabled people are limited ability to contribute to the society. However, Catechist Dinis, who is also a farmer, overcame all odds and is inspiring many people, being more than just a religious teacher in his community. 

´´In heaven there is God, therefore, I should take his message to the people. When I teach children about God, they find strength in Him, they are happy to hear God´s message ´´- Catechist Dinis.

Thanks to the Channels of Hope training for Child Protection he received from World Vision, he expanded his knowledge on topics such as human rights, and child safeguarding and protection. His commitment goes beyond religious instruction, as he advocates for the education and welfare of all children in his community. His work exemplifies the impact of a religious leader who, through action and teaching, contributes to create a supportive environment where children can grow and thrive.

Channel of Hope for Child protection, Memba Copyright: (©2024 World Vision/photo by Celso Pereira)

Following the training received from World Vision, Catechist Dinis now incorporates important themes such as child protection, gender-based violence, and the importance of education into his teaching sessions. He ensures that the children know their rights and understand the importance of staying in school. 

´´When you become disabled you should not stop your life. If you know how to do something, you should continue do it, you should not stand still just because you are disabled´´- Catechist Dinis.

Catechist Dinis’s example has had a significant impact on changing people´s mindset in the community. His dedication in taking God´s love message to children, despite physical challenges, is inspiring respect and admiration, removing stereotypes about people with disabilities, and increasing their inclusion and participation in religious and other activities in the community.

In his teaching sessions, Dinis uses the local language, eMakua, to make his teachings accessible to all children, conveying messages of respect, children´s rights, protection, and community values. 

His dream is to receive teaching materials such as notebooks, pens, and biblical booklets, so he could help children develop their reading and writing skill from his session. But Dinis’ dreams don’t stop there. He also dreams of creating a youth farm, where harvested products would generate income for youth, providing them with financial income so they can start small businesses and life skills. 

The story of Catechist Dinis is an example of resilience, faith, and community empowerment. You can get involved in similar initiatives with your donations. Find more here.