Promotion and protection of the Rights of the Child: MPs call on all society to be agents of change

At a seminar held in Maputo, the Mozambican capital, to reflect on the implementation of tools to promote and protect the rights of the child, 30 children welcomed the progress made so far but stressed the urgent need to disseminate children's rights and relevant tools. They pointed out that a lack of knowledge about children's rights and relevant tools contributes to violence against children, particularly sexual violence, child marriages, and early pregnancies, as well as access challenges faced by children with disabilities.
In addition, children stressed the need for increased safe spaces for their participation, increased reporting of violations of the Rights of the Child, and further investment in water supply and education, particularly in retaining children in school and campaigns to combat sexual abuse and harassment in schools.
The parliamentarians, also present at the event, invited the whole society to be agents of change, after having spoken of the importance of both children and civil society reflecting on their responsibility to disseminate child protection tools.
This event was organized by the 3R Platform (Rede Contra o Abuso de Menores/ Rede da Criança and Civil Society Forum for Children's Rights - ROSC) in partnership with World Vision in Mozambique.