Bringing Smiles Back to Those Who Need it the Most
In May 2019, security incidents in Nigerian villages bordering the Maradi region led several Nigerian nationals to cross the border to seek refuge in the villages of Guidan-Roumji, department in the Maradi region, Niger.
As of July 31, 2019, the Maradi authorities estimated that more than 50,000 Nigerian nationals had already arrived in the border villages of Nigeria fleeing crime in their villages of origin in the Sokoto State. The entry points are the villages of Bassira, Tankama, Chawagui, Dan Kano. Incidents reported during the Niger flight are injuries, fractures and early deliveries.
This proximity to Nigeria makes some return to their villages of origin to recover food, livestock and other personal items despite the risk of abduction and kidnapping. Children are often tasked with doing these tasks.
In July, World Vision launched special emergency programming to address the needs of those who have been displaced and the host communities that are being affected by this situation through the Niger Conflict and Displacement Response. The Response aims to assist more than 1,200,000 people affected by various crises in the regions of Tillaberi, Tahoua, Maradi and Diffa.