Rural Community declared as Open Defection Free

In a historic moment for the Matta Community in Morehead Local Level Government (LLG), Western Province, celebrations were in full swing as they were declared the first Open Defecation Free (ODF) community.
With a population of 399 people, inclusive of people living with disabilities, this small community underwent training programs conducted by the World Vision team, and now more than 50 houses currently have access to sanitation facilities, clean toilets, and handwashing facilities.
Before the celebration, World Vision’s project officer Rodney Bill, Western Provincial Partnership Environmental Health Officer Bian Mawan, and WaSH Committee leader for the Matta Community, Andrew Samadari all reflected on the project and how it has benefitted not only the people of Matta but the donors and contributing partners as well.
“As a project officer who oversaw the project from start to finish, I would say that the initial stages of implementation are the hardest because sometimes the community can be reluctant to the change in their daily life in terms of water sanitation and hygiene practices.
“But due to the approach, we took on board with us under the WASH program which is the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS).
“It was through this approach that we were able to change the behaviour of the community, break down the barriers, and we helped them to understand the negative impacts of open defecation in Matta,” Rodney says.
Although the geography was tough and remote for the project staff in terms of logistics, Rodney and his team were able to accomplish their goal in Matta. The community is the first to be declared ODF and the team will be verifying and declaring 50 more communities in Morehead Local Level Government in the South Fly district of Western Province in the coming months. The environmental health officer for the Western Province Partnership (WPP), Bian Mawan, said their partnership with World Vision has been fruitful in terms of developing the communities around the Western South Fly district.
“Matta has come a long way with regards to carrying out healthy sanitation practices within their households and the community. To declare this community as the first of 50 communities to be ODF truly means a lot to the locals and we are proud to be a part of this celebration as this milestone will help to encourage more development programs here in Matta.
“I would like to give a big thanks and acknowledgment to our partner World Vision. They have done a tremendous job, and without them, this ODF declaration would not have been possible. Regardless of the logistics, remoteness, and distance, they have come this far to complete this job.
"We are proud to declare this committee the first community to be open defecation-free, not only free but open defecation-free plus. And that's a big bonus for the community and for our partners World Vision and the Provincial Health Authority,” she said.
Wash President Chairman Andrew Samadari said there were a few organisations that came through Matta with development programs, but none have been successful like the CLTS and ODF.

“Defecating in the bush has always been a norm for the people of Matta until this program was implemented. The World Vision team has taught us how to build proper toilets for our families and basic handwashing utensils that we can make with bush materials, and this has been a transformational experience for the community. This ODF ceremony marks the first-ever success of a development project here in Matta, and we hope that this can be a start to many more good things for this community,” Andrew said.
Andrew said that the community will now use what they have learnt to improve their homes and the homes of other relatives living far and wide so that they can help prevent waterborne diseases.
The day was marked with joy and festivity as community members, along with their partners from World Vision, Western Provincial Health Representative, and South Fly District Office, came together to commemorate this significant achievement.
The atmosphere was filled with excitement as speeches were given, traditional dances performed, and a sense of pride filled the community. This milestone not only signifies improved sanitation practices but also showcases the power of collaboration and community spirit in creating positive change.
The World Vision Wash Coordinator for Western Province Partnership, Micah Runang, emphasised the importance of transformation and change for the mothers and children of the community, thanking the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and PNG-Aus partnership program for their support in bringing transformation to the people of South Fly and looking forward to many communities being declared.
The Matta Community’s journey to being ODF serves as an inspiration for others to strive towards a healthier and more sustainable future. To acknowledge the Matta community for their efforts, they were given gardening and pruning tools like shovels, bush knives, wheelbarrows, and garden pruning shears for them to look after and maintain their communities.