Courage to fight hunger in South Sudan is one of true expressions of faith

When I obtained my Bachelors Degree of Architectural Engineering back in 2013 from University of Juba, I never given any thought of working in a humanitarian organization. My sight was focused in joining a real estate company and be part of a huge construction project.
On 2014, I got my first opportunity to join shelter project as officer implementing a Returnee Reintegration and Rehabilitation Programme (3RP) in Abyei.
This allowed me to serve communities by designing, guiding and supervising the construction of durable shelters with low cost housing materials using the knowledge I acquired in college.

It was heartwarming to see joy and happiness in the faces of the most vulnerable people especially elderly and children. I could not stop my tears of joy when I realized the importance of the humanitarian work we provide for people in need.
I knew then it was my call from God.
Since then I decided to dedicate my life to serve the needy people as long as I can. I joined World Vision on 2018 under the Building Resilience through Asset Creation and Enhancement (BRACE) II Project’s conditional cash transfer program.
The program aims to strengthen food security and nutrition amongst food insecure households and creating community assets in Gogrial West County.
The challenge to make this a reality gives me extra energy to work very hard to ensure children are enjoying their lives in all its fullness.
Working for World Vision added another dimension to my spiritual life where I re-discovered myself and that the work we are doing is as similar as what pastors do in the church, because we are all serving God’s will. I love being part of World Vision.
It is by God’s grace that we were able extend assistance to the most vulnerable, and that gives me great joy to see children and their families enjoy their lives.
During the conflict back in the 90s and early 2000, we suffered and struggled to get our daily food on table or money for school. That experience I do not want to see continue to happen for our children in South Sudan.

The challenge to make this a reality gives me extra energy to work very hard to ensure children are enjoying their lives in all its fullness. My effort is as little as a drop in the ocean, but surely it makes a difference.
My hope is to see better South Sudan food secured, women empowered, and men generating income to support their families and taking care of their children.
The journey we have undertaken with my team and as followers of Christ demands all the courage we possess. It requires of us to handle whatever challenge that might face us with a faith that says: Courage is one of the distinguishing marks of true faith.
My inspiration is 2 Corinthians 4:1: “God in His mercy has given us this work to do, and so we do not become discouraged”.

More on the BRACE II Project: Everyday should be World Food Day
By Deng Chol, BRACE II Project Coordinator I Photos by Eugene Combo and Christopher Lete