Despite the Conflict, World Vision’s Child Friendly Spaces in East Darfur helps children regain their childhood

Amal was from South Darfur and internally displaced into East Darfur
Friday, August 9, 2024

The ongoing conflicts in Sudan are affecting children's daily lives. Girls and boys have been mainly affected by this conflict in terms of their physical, mental and social health. Children have been internally displaced and forcibly displaced from their homes due to these conflicts. Children's futures are at risk, as schools have been closed for about 15 months. The war has affected their attitudes and behaviour, which has impacted their psychosocial health. In addition, the conflict has affected families, leading to child labour, child recruitment and other bad social habits.

*Amal was from South Darfur and internally displaced into East Darfur due to the conflicts in Nyala which led her and her family seek safety in East Darfur. Before the conflict, Amal’s parents could look after their children well, however, the situation has become much challenging as result of displacement.

“When the conflicts began, we left everything behind except for clothes and little money, all the properties had been damaged and looted. While we were on our way to East Darfur, we were attacked by gunmen who looted our family’s leftover belongings. When we arrived In al Daein, I didn’t know what to do and where to go,” says *Amal.

A team of social workers visited the family and invited her to join the Child’s Safe Space (CSS) established by World Vision.

“When I came to the space for the first time, I didn’t know what to do. Gradually, and with support from the social workers, I started to get familiar this new life in Daein. I don’t come to the center just for playing, I also attend the sessions where volunteers explain to us how we can deal with any type of violation as well as from whom we can ask support. I have good friends with girls at my age in the center,” says *Amal .

At the CSS, Amal now spends her time playing different games from rope jumping to volleyball and from playing with toys to storytelling.

Funded by the UNHCR, World Vision provides child protection activities in East Darfur for children mostly affected by conflicts through facilitating Psychosocial Support (PSS) sessions, as well as entertainment activities.

*Name changed to protect identity. 

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