Faith Leader Transforming the life of Communities towards Healthy Relationships in Timor-Leste

Faith leaders are among the primary partners that the project works with to deliver the project model for faith-based activities. World Vision through Towards Future Free from Violence (TFFV) project, funded by Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) delivered Channel of Hope and Celebrating Family modules including child protection activities to the communities in Baucau. This project aimed to teach parents to positively educate their children without using violence. Dominikus, 40 years old is one of the champion faith leaders who is engaged to this activity.
World Vision provided training and TOT to the beneficiaries through the guidance taken from celebrating family, positive parenting, IMPACT+, gender based violence and positive disciplines modules. After training and gaining skills and knowledge, trainers shared the modules information to their communities.
In addition to guiding couples in pre-marital courses, the couples see the module as very helpful for them to respect and value family life, creating a harmony in their relationship. Dominikus has assisted 50 families on the Channel of Hope module as well.
Veronica 48-year-old, is in a family that has been impacted from the Channel of Hope modules led by Dominikus. The changes that Veronica felt after attending the celebrating family meeting have brought a gradual change over the past year. “In the beginning we discussed about the way we were in the past compared to the module, learning how we are moving forward, finally we agreed to choose practices that are easy for us such as appreciating and using language or expressions that do not offend family members, it is not easy to stay on our commitment and I have to convince and encourage them”. Said Veronica.
“Dominikus is a champion faith leader that is highly motivated and committed to bringing forward the module that the project promoted and he is very passionate to take the leadership of activity in his area”. Said Marcelito Lopes, the project facilitator of TFFV project. “His contribution significantly supports the project towards a protective environment for the children”.
The TFFV project has benefited/reached 10,750 beneficiaries from 2,306 households composed of people with disabilities, adolescents, parents and communities from five villages across 34 sub villages.
As a result, communities have demonstrated positive attitudes and created a healthy environment for their children by applying positive discipline in schools and using appropriate methods provided. The communities also changed their attitudes and behaviors towards their families without using violence and learned to protect their children from dangers. Also if any violence cases occur in their village, they know how to report, respond and refer to the relevant parties.
Faith leaders were among the primary partners in the Towards Future Free from Violence (TFFV) project. With funding from Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP), World Vision Timor-Leste delivered Channel of Hope and Celebrating Families modules in the communities of Baucau municipality, aiming to help parents build a positive, healthy, and violence-free environment inside their families. Dominikus is one of the champion faith leaders who is engaged in this activity.
“It was a pleasure for me to play my role as a faith leader and incorporate World Vision’s project models to improve the lives of people in my community. I commit to using the Celebrating Families module as a topic in the pre-marital course for couples before they get married,” said Dominikus, right after the Celebrating Family Training of Trainers (TOT).
After the TOT that covers topics of celebrating families, positive parenting, IMPACT+, gender-based violence, and positive discipline, Dominikus shared the learnt knowledge and skills in his communities. Since 2018, 33 couples have participated in Dominikus’ pre-married course that integrates Celebrating Families, and 50 families have been assisted through the Channel of Hope module.
“In the beginning, we discussed the way we were in the past compared to what we learnt, and we agreed to move forward with the practices that are easy for us such as appreciating and using language or expressions that do not offend family members. It was not easy to keep our commitment and I had to patiently convince and encourage them,” shared 48-year-old Veronica, whose family has experienced more harmony in their relationship after they learnt about Celebrating Families.
The TFFV project reached 10,750 community people including those with disabilities and in 34 sub villages in Baucau.