100K assisted through partnership with USAID’s BHA, ACTED Ukraine and Ukraine Response Consortium

“We appreciate the good working partnership and generous support of our donors and partners that helped World Vision reach out to over 100,000 people affected by the war”, says Blerina Lako, Chief of Party of the BHA-funded project.
A total of 19,493 people in Dnipro, Sumy, Poltava and Zaporrizhzhia oblasts were assisted by World Vision’s implementing partners Youth Movement be Free (YMBF) and Arms of Mercy (AoM) with hygiene kits. This is part of the first phase of the project supported by USAID’s Bureau of Humanitarian Aid (BHA), ACTED Ukraine and the Ukraine Response Consortium.
The family, as well as institutional, hygiene kits for the collective centers were successfully distributed to over 600 people identified in 29 collective centers. Through the consortium, information materials on hygiene management and coronavirus prevention were developed and distributed.

The multi-purpose cash assistance program implemented by World Vision’s partners Hungarian Interchurch Aid (HIA), Dorcas and Baptist World Aid (BWA) was provided to 39,369 people at UAH 2,220 per month for three months. This was aimed to augment the basic household needs of the displaced in Dnipro. Kyiv, Cherkassy, Zaporizhzhia, Zakarpattia, Ternopil, Kirovohrad, Kharkiv and Ivano-Frankovsk oblasts.
The partners worked closely with local governments to properly identify people in need and followed the process of registration and other requirements in coordination with the Cash Working Group. For food assistance, a total of 19,325 people were assisted with food packages, exceeding its original target.
We appreciate the good working partnership and generous support of our donors and partners that helped World Vision reach out to over 100,000 people affected by the war.
The Baptist World Aid served 24,193 hot meals with 5,371 bottles of water for 10,742 people in the five sites in Lviv, 10 in Dnipro and two in Kyiv. Two mobile kitchens became operational in March 2023, in the Kyiv Hub (Irpin and Kharkiv), serving 4,885 hot meals.
In partnership with Health Right, group-based psychosocial activities for children were conducted in three selected sites in western Ukraine. Thirty facilitators were trained on activity catalog designed for child-friendly spaces in humanitarian settings. This will also help guide facilitators and animators in facilitating activities at the child friendly spaces.

Health Right was equipped with materials for facilitators to efficiently conduct the activities in three child friendly spaces serving at least 150 children. Eight multi-disciplinary mobile teams have been established and was able to provide psychosocial support to 36,694 people, around 9,785 of them are children.
Three hundred eighty corner-kids kits were distributed in collective sites with the large number of children and displaced people. First Aid Arts was tapped to facilitate trainings for 60 educators that will help the youth deal with stress and be more resilient in Zakarpatia, Vynnitsia and Lviv oblasts.
The project, and its second phase, is supported by USAID's Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), ACTED Ukraine and the Ukraine Response Consortium will start on September 2023 targeting a wider number of people through various implementing partners.

Story by Cecil Laguardia, UCR Communications Director