Empowering Moldovan children: The transformative impact of child-friendly spaces

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Within the warm and welcoming walls of a World Vision-supported child-friendly space (CFS), in the sun-drenched village of Sadaclia, nestled in the Basarabeasca district, Moldova, about 20 children unwind, learn and engage in activities that support their emotional well-being. The CFS is run by Ave Copiii, World Vision’s local partner, and funded by Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH)

This space pulses with life. The room hums with the joyful chatter of children, their laughter echoing off the walls as they play together, craft, and most importantly escape, if only for a moment, the harsh realities of poverty that shadow their lives.

For many, this is more than just a place to have fun. It is a place where they can enjoy a full meal, sometimes the only substantial one they’ll have that day. The treats that most children take for granted - sweet pastries, yogurt, candies - are small luxuries provided here, bringing simple joys to those who rarely taste them.

Within the warm and welcoming walls of a World Vision-supported child-friendly space (CFS), in the sun-drenched village of Sadaclia, nestled in the Basarabeasca district, Moldova, about 20 children unwind, learn and engage in activities that support their emotional well-being. 

Today is “Ice-cream Day," a special event that allows children to create their own handmade ice creams, a playful distraction from the sweltering 30-degree heat outside. Among the group is Mateo, an 8-year-old with a tender heart and a love of watercolor painting. 

The Child Friendly Space is his haven, the only place where he can indulge in his passion for art, as his family cannot afford even basic drawing supplies. Yet, even in his moments of joy, there is a shadow in Mateo's eyes – his biggest dream is for his father to return home. 

 "I wish my father would come back home," says Mateo. His father works abroad, forced to leave due to the lack of employment opportunities in their village.

His father works abroad, forced to leave due to the lack of employment opportunities in their village. "I wish my father would come back home," Mateo whispers, his voice tinged with longing.

Then there’s Tatiana, a bright 10-year-old girl with a heart full of kindness and a dream as big as the sky. Inspired by the dedication of the humanitarian workers she sees every day. Tatiana aspires to become a doctor. "I want to be a doctor so I can help everyone around me," she says, her eyes shining with determination. She also dreams of seeing the sea one day and, above all, wishes for her family's health and happiness. Tatiana’s favorite activities are hiking and making new friends, her spirit as adventurous as her dreams.

Victoria, facilitator at the child-friendly space in Sadaclia, guides the children in a crafts activity. 

As the other children finish their ice-cream crafts and begin to play, 12-year-old Damian lingers, adding extra details to his work of art. Though he loves sports like football and volleyball, Damian also has a flair for crafts. 

A kind-hearted boy with a strong sense of justice, Damian dreams of becoming a policeman one day. "I want to protect those who are vulnerable," he says proudly. "There are still places where people suffer because of injustice. I hope that by becoming a policeman, I can help make the world a happier place." He pauses for a moment, then adds quietly, "I also want to see happiness reflected in the eyes of my family."

I want to protect those who are vulnerable,"Damian says proudly. "There are still places where people suffer because of injustice. I hope that by becoming a policeman, I can help make the world a happier place."

Despite the hardships these children face, they continue to smile, their eyes alight with hope and belief that the dark times will eventually pass. 

"Through this program, children have the chance to discover and learn new things. They get the chance to explore their own country. We organize monthly trips across Moldova to show them how many things are out there. How many more they are yet to see and explore,” shares Alina, Ave Copiii project coordinator.

“Children from Sadaclia meet others from different child-friendly spaces, engaging in language exchanges - some groups speak Ukrainian, others Romanian. For Ukrainian children, this helps them better understand Moldovan society, which might help them in the future," she adds on.

Natalia, 12, works enthusiastically on her handmade ice-cream. 

The project funded by Aktion Deutschland Hilft (ADH) supports 27 such spaces across Chisinau, Balti, Cahul, Basarabeasca, Leova, Gagauzia, Stefan-Voda, and Cimislia districts. These spaces provide vital resources for children across Moldova, including supplies for activities, IT equipment, furniture, and study materials. 

Each day, over 20 children find solace in each space, with more than 600 children across all districts benefitting from this support. Through formal and non-formal education, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) activities, catch-up classes, and excursions, these children are given the tools they need to build brighter futures.

Under the ADH-funded project, every day, over 20 children find solace in each child-friendly space, with more than 600 children across the country benefitting from this support. 

Story by Pavel Iorga, Communications Officer I Photos by Laurentia Jora, Communications Manager