Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children

World Vision is delighted to be a steering committee member of the Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children, an alliance established in 2020 to tackle the challenges faced by children living in urban areas, especially the most marginalised.
The Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children brings together the skills, experience, resources and networks of 22 organisations with the aim of including children’s needs, rights and voices in the urban development agenda. As an alliance, we want urban areas that are planned, designed and managed to support children and youth to reach their highest potential. We want urban areas where children and youth can grow up healthy, safe and happy.
Childhood today is mostly being experienced in urban areas, close to 60% of urban residents will be below 18 years old in 2030 and approximately 350 to 500 million children globally live in slums.
We want urban areas where children and youth have access to opportunities and where the rights of children and their caregivers are respected. Together, we will have a louder voice and we will achieve greater impact and influence.
To learn more about the Global Alliance – Cities 4 Children, we invite you to visit the website, sign up to the mailing list and follow the different social media channels:
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- LinkedIn: Global Alliance - Cities 4 Children
- Twitter: @Cities4Children
- Instagram: @Cities4Children
- Facebook: @GACities4Children
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