Urban fragility in Central America

The Central America sub-region has launched a strategic initiative to address urban fragility in Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua.
The outcome of this strategic initiative, led by Marco Villela, Director of Strategic Initiatives, is to develop a sub-regional approach to address urban fragility collectively through the four offices by:
- Scaling up the Fragile Contexts Programme Approach as the way of designing and implementing programs in fragile cities in the region,
- Joint resource acquisition and advocacy on issues impacting urban fragility in the four countries,
- Joint research to influence programming, fundraising and external engagement.
To better understand urban fragility in (the Northern Triangle of) Central America, watch this recorded webinar from the World Bank’s Fragility Forum 2020 on Integrated Approaches to Addressing Urban Fragility & Violence in the Northern Triangle, featuring Marco Villela (speaker) and Aline Rahbany (moderator).