Shaping a Better Future for Children: Our 2023 Agenda

It's a new year, and we at World Vision EU Representation are looking ahead with renewed energy and determination. We are committed to working with the EU and our partners to positively impact the lives of children and have made a number of resolutions for 2023 that reflect this commitment. From amplifying children's voices in EU decision making processes and creating space for children in the EU Youth Action Plan, to addressing the global hunger crisis and ensuring that children are represented at the European Humanitarian Forum, we remain dedicated to working towards a brighter future for all children.
So, how can we create a brighter future for children and their communities in 2023? Here’s a quick look at some of our priorities this year:
Ending violence against children
Ending violence against children is not only a moral imperative, but also a necessary step towards building a more just and equitable society for all. This year, we will continue to work with the EU to end violence against children in line with World Vision's transformative "It Takes a World" campaign. Leveraging the EU Child Rights Strategy, we will raise awareness on key child protection issues and advocate for policies and programs that protect all children, especially those in crisis and conflict settings. We will collaborate with the EU on funding that supports education in emergencies, as well as efforts to prevent child marriage, gender-based violence and forced labour.
Addressing the global hunger and nutrition crisis
The world is facing a hunger crisis of monumental and growing proportions. Crises on multiple fronts are exacerbating already alarming malnutrition rates. With nearly 45 million people in 37 countries facing starvation, this year we will continue to advocate for support for those suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition. Alongside this, we will advocate for a transition towards more sustainable food systems, which is an increasingly important tool of climate mitigation. With the EU as a long-standing leader in the fight against hunger and malnutrition, we will work together to address the root causes of hunger and implement sustainable solutions that help communities transition from scarcity to abundance.
Partnering with the EU to support vulnerable children
The European Union has played a significant role in setting the policy agenda on child rights and protection. It remains a vital source of support for World Vision's lifesaving and transformative projects. This year, we will continue to work to ensure that World Vision offices have the necessary resources to access EU funds and grants. This includes securing EU humanitarian and development funding to honour our commitments to children in crisis and long-term child wellbeing.
Championing nature-based solutions
Throughout 2023, we will continue to champion World Vision's use of nature-based solutions and innovative land restoration techniques at the EU level. These approaches not only help address global food insecurity, but also protect and restore the natural environment, which is vital for the long-term well-being of children and their communities. This year we will continue to unlock the potential of nature-based solutions by securing EU funding for projects that support communities to regreen their land and restore hope.
Amplifying children's voices in EU decision making
Amplifying children's voices in EU decision making is crucial for ensuring that their rights are respected. This year will see many opportunities to elevate children's voices. Among them includes the EU Youth Action Plan, which is designed to help young people around the world reach their full potential. World Vision will be advocating for children to have a prominent voice in the implementation of the plan and supporting World Vision offices worldwide who want to get involved in this initiative. A second key moment will be the European Humanitarian Forum in March, where we will ensure that the perspectives and needs of children will be at the forefront of discussions. Through such initiatives, we'll work to address the needs and aspirations of young people and shape the decisions that impact their lives.
With these goals in mind, we are looking forward to working with the EU, our networks in Brussels, and World Vision colleagues around the world this year to create a brighter future for all children.