World Vision expands humanitarian assistance to Cabo Delgado in Mozambique

In Cabo Delgado province World Vision Mozambique will be collaborating with different organizations to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups in particular, children, women, and people with disability.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

World Vision Mozambique held a series of strategic meetings with private and public entities, including provincial authorities in Cabo Delgado, in preparation for ground operations targeting child well-being in the province's most critical areas, in particular humanitarian assistance.

In the capital city of Cabo Delgado, Pemba, the organization had an in-depth discussion with the newly appointed National Institute for Disaster Management (INGD), Marques Namba, with whom it had a much more ground perspective of ongoing operations and the general humanitarian context of the province.

“Given the situation in our province, I am confident that your organization, with its 40-year presence in Mozambique, will bring significant value,” expressed Marques, acknowledging the credibility and trust World Vision has built over the years.

These crucial meetings were held in the wake of recent attacks in the district of Macedonia, which led to the evacuation of aid personnel from various organizations. This underscores the urgent need for the expansion of organization humanitarian assistance in Cabo Delgado.

“We prioritize coordination as key to the success of our interventions. We do it through the Technical Council, and from there, we learn about the plans from different partners and generate a position to the provincial government authorities,” added the director.

When asked about the most pressing needs INGD director indicated that “For an extended period, we had relatively quiet moments and a great number of people had already returned to their places of origin, but now we are faced with a situation where the returnees become displaced again, and this provokes the scarcity of everything”.

Provincial authorities are recording pressing needs in the sectors of shelter, livelihood, water and sanitation, education, and health because of displacement.

World Vision invited to initiate a Child Sponsorship program to protect displaced children

“We recognize World Vision's successful track record in implementing child sponsorship programs over the years aimed at protecting children. We have in the province around 1,2 million displaced, and the majority are displaced children. The sponsorship program could help these children overcome the status of displaced,” said INGD.

World Vision's approach to child sponsorship views the child in the context of their community and its development. This means developing programming to address the root causes of the challenges that children face by supporting community-based projects that promote the well-being of children.

INGD pointed out that the sectors of agriculture, particularly livelihoods, climate change, and WASH, are critical and need help to enable the province to cope with the ongoing challenges.