World Vision Zambia Board of Directors successfully hold Fundraiser

By Agatha Mali, Communications Officer, Zambia
World Vision Zambia’s Board of Directors has supported the raising of K250,000 (USD 14,700) through a 5km Fun Walk and Aerobics fundraising event held on Saturday, September 3, towards the construction of a maternity annex at Kampekete Rural Health Centre in Chongwe district.
The total project cost is pegged at K985,000 (63,986 USD) out of which Absa Zambia has committed K600,000 (37,979 USD) hence the fundraising event to raise the deficit.
Speaking at the event, Guest of honour Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo said in a speech read on her behalf by Director of Clinical Care and Diagnostics, Doctor Alex Makupe, that good health is essential to the socio-economic development of the country.
Ms. Masebo said the government recognises the need to create a conducive working environment where organisations like World Vision can work without limitations because the government believes in partnership and is cognizant that teamwork makes the dream work.
“World Vision has given us an opportunity to take part in the Kampekete development by buying fundraising tickets, and thank you for responding to this call because your involvement will benefit many people accessing medical services at the Rural Health Center,” she said.
“And as a Minister of Health and area Member of Parliament of Chongwe constituency, I am committed to ensuring that this initiative is fruitful and achieves its intended purpose for the betterment of Chongwe and Kampekete community,” she said.
And World Vision Zambia Board Chairperson Malcolm Chabala said the proposed construction of a maternity annex would benefit the community and cater to a catchment population of 5,335 and more as the population in the area has continued to grow.
He said the project would improve health among 1,130 women of childbearing age and 1,027 children under 5, reducing maternal and infant/child morbidity and mortality.
“The maternity annex will improve maternal health service delivery and ensure that all pregnant women deliver from the health facility and that confidentially and privacy are enhanced, he said. “This will improve the quality of services offered to pregnant women during delivery and babies immediately after birth, which is critical in ensuring that no woman dies while giving life.”
Meanwhile, Absa Corporate Banking Director Brian Kalero recognised World Vision as a great partner to work with.
“As Absa, we have been on this partnership journey with World Vision for the last three years, and some of the specific investments of our Memorandum of Understanding happen to do with the maternity ward at Kampekete Rural Health Centre to which we have committed K600,000, (USD 38,979), and we have so far dispersed K300, 000 (USD 19,488) and we will be dispersing the remaining balance soon,” said Mr Kalero.
He stated that the bank’s relevance in the social sector, such as education and health, remains essential. “Working with World Vision and seeing lives transform is a key part of our purpose as a bank to bring possibilities to life is very important for our lives and communities in which we operate.
Other partners that made the fundraising event successful included Entrepreneur Financial Centre, NAPSA, Miracle Life Family Church, Simplex Drilling, ZANACO, ZNBS, Natsave, Lab Galore, Unlimited Gifts, SMR Construction, Fringilla and WVZ Management & staff.
To learn more about World Vision Zambia’s local fundraising efforts visit