World Vision Zambia Hosts Inaugural Learning Event for FMNR Catalyst Countries in Africa

Thursday, September 5, 2024

World Vision Zambia recently hosted the first learning event for four African countries implementing Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) as a catalyst project. This initiative aims to demonstrate FMNR's effectiveness in restoring degraded landscapes and regenerating depleted forests. The participating countries included Zambia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda, each implementing FMNR in their respective regions. World Vision Australia was also part of the learning event as FMNR scale-up champions. 

The goal of the event was to create a platform for catalyst countries to share their practical field experiences in mainstreaming FMNR, with a view to scaling up the practice beyond the catalyst countries. These catalyst countries are promoting the organic spread of FMNR practices to partners which will be accounted to measures for FMNR coverage in country and at partnership level.