World Vision receives $2.3 million to help thousands in need of humanitarian assistance in South Darfur

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Khartoum, May 2017. The Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada has awarded World Vision a grant worth $2.3 million over two years to support the most vulnerable children and communities, especially women and girls in South Darfur to access primary health care services, clean water supply, improved sanitation, and enhance hygiene awareness and protection.

 WASH, Health, and Protection are among the high priority sectors requiring immediate humanitarian intervention, according to the Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA.

“This new funding is very timely and will boost the organisation’s efforts in South Darfur to continue providing critical services to the most vulnerable displaced and host communities,” said Vince Edwards, country programme director-World Vision Sudan.

 The project will focus on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) living in eight localities namely: Mershing, Nitega, Kubum, Al Salam, Nyala North, Bilel, Katyla and Shataia localities, as well as facilitate the reintegration of returnees, whilst also meeting the emerging needs of refugees hosted in these localities.

An estimated 292,407 people, including 121,574, females and 170,833 males will benefit from the project to be implemented over a period of 24 months, with the support of two national NGOs namely: MIBADIRON Organization for Prevention of Disaster and War (MADAR) and Alshroug Organization for Cultural & Social Development.


Notes to the Editor

 For more information please contact:

Vince Edwards, Country Programme Director, World Vision Sudan| Email: