World Vision Supporting Response to Floods-Induced Emergency in Sudan

August 13th – Situation Overview
Ongoing heavy rains in Sudan have resulted in flash floods, which have affected several states in the country including areas where World Vision is operational. According to updates from the Sudanese Red Crescent Society, nine states have been affected including Khartoum the capital city, River Nile, Northern State, Sennar, North Kordofan, South Kordofan, Kassala, West Darfur and Elgazeera. World Vision is operational in Khartoum where its head office is located.
Latest information from the Sudanese Red Crescent Society indicates that nearly 18,661 families have been affected. The flash floods have destroyed property including homes and left a lot of destruction in its wake. Khartoum is among the worst affected states, with 5,393 families affected. So far, it is reported that 13 people have been killed while 100 have been injured across various states.
World Vision Flood Emergency Response
World Vision is part of the Flood Taskforce Coordination team that is providing support to the Government in its response to the flood-induced emergency. So far, World Vision has already provided the Khartoum State Commission of Voluntary and Humanitarian Works with two land-cruisers for use in the coordination of flood-induced humanitarian needs assessment and facilitation of response activities.
World Vision will also be implementing WV Korea and KOICA-funded WASH and health project activities in the flood affected localities. World Vision is also going to support the rehabilitation of school buildings and a replacement of school facilities that have been damaged by the floods. World Vision will be doing this under education projects funded by WV Korea, KOICA, CHF (UN Common Humanitarian Fund) and WV Hong Kong.
Consultations are ongoing with the government and local NGOs to identify gaps in the emergency response and agree on areas where World Vision will support. World Vision Sudan has earmarked between USD30,000 – 50,000 to go towards the flood-induced emergency response.
World Vision Sudan is responding to this emergency using existing funding resources across a range of sectors. However, the Program Development & Grants Acquisition Team will be fundraising to secure additional resources to go towards the emergency response.
Visit the link below for a pdf map and additional geodata from the UN on the floods.
WV Sudan is monitoring the situation and will continue to provide updates.
For more information please contact:
Simon Nyabwengi, Country Programme Director
World Vision Sudan