Our Goal
We are committed to improving the quality and equitable access to education for boys and girls by 2020. We are working towards this by:
- Increasing the proportion of trained teachers utilizing skills acquired to teach reading thus increasing the proportion of children who can read with comprehension by Grade 3
- Increasing the number of trained community literacy volunteers support activities that enhance learning outcomes
- Increasing the number of parents/guardians who actively participate and support their children literacy development.
- Establishing reading camps (or clubs).
- Improving the number of children attending after-school literacy activities.
- Increasing the number of children aged 3 – 6 years (including the most vulnerable) attending Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE).
- Improving schools with a print-rich environment (especially grade 1-3 classrooms).
What is the problem?
The education sector in Tanzania is still struggling to deliver quality education with challenges on retention and completion of a full course of primary education. Significant proportions of children going to school are not learning the basics and have low rates in reading. Pre-primary education which plays a vital role in preparing the 3-5-year-old children for primary education is not a reality in many communities in Tanzania.
How is World Vision addressing the issues?
We equip teachers with the necessary skills to teach reading for lower classes by using Unlock Literacy Model. We are also engaging communities, parents and caregivers in promoting learning outcomes such as preparation of reading camps, attending parents’ awareness sessions and creating literacy environment for their children at home.
We mobilize local government authorities and other stakeholders on the importance of ECDE and advocate for the establishment of pre-primary structures at the primary school settings. Also, we are mobilizing the community to enroll children including MVC to pre-primary education.
- We sensitize and support government and community to improve primary schools teaching-learning environment through community dialogues.
Is what World Vision doing working?
Yes! Thanks to reading camp facilitators, teachers, community mobilisers and parents, children are able to read and are developing the reading culture. For this reason, we are working with community leaders to ensure that all targeted children are attending the after-school reading activities. Moreover, we are working with the government to see that the trained teachers are utilizing the skills as required.
What are the recent results (2017 Fiscal Year)?
99% of children attend school in 51 World Vision’s Area Programs
597 teachers from 122 primary schools were trained in Literacy Boost teaching methodologies.
272 reading camps were established in 103 villages in rural Tanzania and 705 reading camp facilitators were mobilized and trained.
121,735 books were purchased and distributed to reading camps benefiting 9,504 children.
9,504 children were reached with Literacy Boost programs in 21 area programmes.
38 classrooms were constructed.
783 desks were distributed to schools.