Tayar Nepal - Improved Disaster Risk Management Project
Project overview
With the financial support from USAID’s Tayar Nepal under Technical Assistance Grants (TAG), World Vision International Nepal implemented Tayar Nepal - Improved Disaster Risk Management Project that aims to strengthen the capacity of Nepal’s disaster risk management and preparedness institutions. The project has two sub-projects: Cash Transfer Programme Technical Assistance and Household Disaster Preparedness Project.
Household Disaster Preparedness Project (HDPP) aims to enhance the capacity of individual households and communities for better disaster preparedness and response. Implemented in partnership with Conscious Society for Social Development (CSSD), a Kailali based NGO, the project will benefit 550 households directly and 1,647 households indirectly in Kailali District. This year-long project, designed through need assessments and using past learning and input from consultations with stakeholders and beneficiaries, has been implemented in Lamkichuha Municipality of Kailali District in Sudurpachchim Province. The project seeks to solve four overarching and recurrent problems: a) Target communities have prolonged exposure to disasters, in particular annual floods which affect life and livelihoods; b) There is limited understanding of tools and criteria for the identification and categorization of vulnerable households, at community levels, to address basic and specific needs of the most vulnerable households (e.g. children, senior citizens, persons with disabilities, single/pregnant/lactating women, etc.); c) There is an inability of existing DRR mechanisms to link household vulnerability to community and municipality level risk reduction plans and programmes; and d) There is inadequate efforts to reach at household level to foster capacities and to reduce vulnerabilities.
Cash Transfer Programme Technical Assistance aims to provide implementation support to prepare, support, and strengthen Nepal’s disaster response and recovery system to assess and respond to the second-order impacts of COVID-19. World Vision conducted an integrated mix of cash transfer programme interventions, which included market assessment; capacity building of municipalities on developing beneficiary selection criteria; developing mechanisms for cash for work; and conditional cash transfer interventions, among others. The project was implemented across 12 municipalities of 10 districts (Kailali, Bardiya, Surkhet, Dailekh, Dang, Nawalparasi West, Dhading, Rautahat, Sarlahi and Dolakha).
Key achievements
Supported by USAID’s Tayar Nepal