FMNR in Timor-Leste
Manuel da Silva has had a wonderful experience as an implementer of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) in his village of Fahiria, in the district of Aileu, in Timor-Leste. He likens the trees to children who must be considered and treated well so that they can grow up healthy.
“I want to share my experience with other places, not just keep it to myself,” he said.
Manuel is a passionate proponent of FMNR and his love of trees seems to be his primary reason for his involvement in the land regeneration practice, as he sees great value both for the environment and aesthetics of the area, which has seen severe deforestation and degradation.
Manuel is working with World Vision’s Building Resilience to a Changing Climate and Environment (BRACCE) Project in Timor-Leste, and has received training and knowledge that builds on his experience as a farmer.
Patience pays off: Timber harvest yields a profit
Manuel’s involvement with FMNR is helping him to feed his family. He uses FMNR trees, predominantly Eucalyptus alba, as a nurse crop for high value trees such as Mandarin, Cinnamon, White teak and Philippines teak, Mahogany, Casuarina and Acacia mangium, in addition to foods such as cassava, mango, orange and pineapple species.
By inter-planting in this way, Manuel is ensuring that he will have a steady income stream in the short, medium, and long term.
Manuel did some planting between his regenerating Eucalyptus alba trees and has recently harvested four Acacia mangium trees which he planted six years ago. From this he was able to cut 1.45 m3 of wood (104 lengths of 5 x 7 cm x 4 m).
The timber will not be sold, but rather used to build a small storehouse for the farmers’ association. This will supply storage for maize seeds and rice.
Manuel’s Timber Harvest
- Value of timber harvested - 104 lengths X US $5.50 = $572
- Milling costs - US $240
- Profit - US $322
Tomas Soares is one of the farmer in Aileu municipality, who have followed in Manuel’s footsteps to implement FMNR in their coffee plantations and eucalyptus, after seeing the results on his land. However, not all farmers in the area are convinced about the benefits of FMNR, and some continue the damaging practice of extensive bush burning.
Manuel’s timber profits are significant, especially given the very degraded site, poor soils, short time frame of six years and the small number of trees harvested. It is hoped these results will send a strong message to others about the financial benefits of FMNR and tree planting, leading to greater uptake of FMNR practices in Timor-Leste.