22 new water points for Amuru district- thanks to the Government of Japan

On 10th February 2017, the ambassador of Japan to Uganda H.E Kazuaki Kameda commissioned 22 new water points in Amuru district, whose construction was implemented by World Vision Uganda with funding from the government of Japan.
The 22 community water points which comprise of 8 deep wells, 6 shallow wells and 8 protected spring wells are benefiting approximately 10,935 people in the two sub counties of Amuru and Lamogi.
The project was funded to a tune of US$116,215.
Speaking at the commissioning event in Lamogi sub county Amuru District, H.E Kazuaki Kameda commended World Vision Uganda for the successful implementation of the project and urged communities to protect the water points.
‘’I am happy to note that through this partnership, more than 10,000 people in 22 villages will be able to access safe water easily, which is also expected to reduce the incidents of water borne and diarrheal diseases in the district.’’ Noted H.E Kazuaki Kameda. Ambassador Kazuaki highlighted that in Northern Uganda alone, 63 projects worth US$5,284,729 (approximately UGX 18.5 Billion) have been implemented by the government of Japan since 1992 in the sectors of education, health, agriculture, water and sanitation.
‘’Our commitments in Uganda through the grant assistance for grassroots human security projects (GGP) have successfully improved millions of people’s lives through the construction of bore halls, pupils classrooms, girls’ and boys’ dormitories, science laboratories, maternity, infectious diseases and general wards, operation theaters and the procurement of ambulances, school buses and trucks.’’ Remarked Amb. Kazuaki Kameda
On his part, the World Vision Uganda country director Mr. Gilbert Kamanga challenged the communities to take good care of the water points and make sure they remain functional.
‘’Let’s ensure that we use this property effectively. All the water management committees that have been empowered to monitor the usage and functionality of these water points should make sure the facilities remain functional. I also want to appeal to men seated here; the role of collecting water is not only for women. Please support them at all times.’’ Noted Gilbert Kamanga.
The Amuru district chairperson Mr.Lakony Michael appealed to communities in Amuru and Lamogi sub counties to own up the water facilities.
‘’These water sources are now yours, not for Japan or World Vision. You must make sure that they effectively benefit our communities by keeping them clean and making sure they are repaired whenever they break down.’’ Said Mr. Lakony.
Under this partnership, the government of Japan provided all the hardware (equipment) needed to install the water points while World Vision provided the software needed to make the water points functional. World Vision among other things;
1.Hired and remunerated the firms that installed the water points,
2.Established and trained water management committees for each water point
3.Equipped each water management committee with a starter-kit for doing simple repairs on especially the bore halls
4.Mobilized communities to support the initiative and work towards improving sanitation and hygiene