Agriculture trade show to boost farmers in Mpigi district
By Flavia Lanyero
Mpigi District
Finding market after produce or service providers during planting season can be a daunting task for many farmers but this is likely to change in Mpigi district following an agricultural trade show this month.
The show that took place on the 5th/ March/ 2015 sought to link farmers to potential markets, bring services closer to the them as well as create an opportunity for amalgamation.
“I have been locally selling wine in the villages but I hope to get new buyers and even companies that can buy my wine in bulk,” said Veronica Nayinda, a producer of ‘Organic Choice Wine’ in Mpigi district.
Ms Nayinda produces her wine locally using rosella hibiscus and other inputs like pineapples, bottles it a nearby bottling company and sells to the local community at not more than Shs 10,000 ($3.5). “This exhibition will allow more people to know my product and I will be able to expand my business.
According to Patrick Obita, the Mpigi Butambala Programme Manager, the trade show was organized to increase farmers’ linkages to markets and to increase their knowledge on value addition. He said that the overall goal is to ensure that these farmers have income in their households which will take care of their children.
“Farmers did not have information on modern agricultural practices and where to get the services. Because World Vision wanted to increase their income, it meant that their crops needed value addition and the trade show came in handy,” Mr Obita said.
“Farmers did not have information on modern agricultural practices and where to get the services. Because World Vision wanted to increase their income, it meant that their crops needed value addition and the trade show came in handy,” Mr Patrick Obita, World Vision Mpigi cluster Manager.
World Vision works with farmers in its livelihoods programme to improve on the value chain for their products, from production to the final consumer.
Julius Turyahebwa, the Community Development Facilitator, World Vision Mpigi, said that a number of farmers do not produce good quality products and usually sell this produce individually at a cheap price.
“This trade show is to kick start the process of linking farmers to markets, access good quality inputs and be able to network with all service providers they might need. We have brought input suppliers, value addition equipment as well as financial institutions to this agricultural show,” Mr Turyahebwa said.