Child Protection

A world where children are safe and secure


Violence against children is a critical concern for the most vulnerable girls and boys everywhere that World Vision works. Children who experience violence are often left with long-lasting negative social, emotional, mental, physical and spiritual consequences.

Over 1 billion children suffer violence every year costing the world US$7 trillion, far more than the cost of preventing violence. Child marriage, child labour, and corporal punishment still affect children on a daily basis. Children with disabilities also suffer disproportionately, and are more likely to be neglected or physically, emotionally, and sexually abused. Emergencies and conflict situations exacerbate or create new child protection concerns.

At World Vision, we focus on preventing violence against children from happening in the first place, responding to violence when it does occur, and restoring children who have been affected to a state of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

We use a systems approach to address root causes of violence against girls and boys, by empowering key actors to work together to strengthen a protective environment that cares for and supports all children, especially the most vulnerable girls and boys.

child protection projects were implemented in 60 countries

Our Approach: A systems approach to child protection


At World Vision we take a systems approach to prevent violence against children. We empower and collaborate with whole communities and different parts of the child protection system to create a safe, supportive atmosphere for all children, particularly the most vulnerable.

Children raising Hands

Empower boys and girls

Through positive youth development & asset building to be influential protection actors in their environment through parenting supports and services.

Family from Uganda

Strengthen Families

Through parenting supports and services so that families respect, nurture and protect all girls and boys.

Child plays with their parents and community members

Partner with communities

Through sustained dialogue & collective action to promote positive norms and protective behavior toward girls and boys.

Uganda communities of faith_Channels of Hope

Catalyze faith communities

Through mobilization and capacity building to be safe for boys and girls, and transform social norms that cause harm to them.

Influence Governments

Influence Governments

Through social accountability at all levels to take appropriate measures to ensure the protection of girls and boys

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A girl from Venezuela hugging her brother

Press Release

World Vision warns about increasing risks of violence affecting displaced children, amid historic Inter-Ministerial