We Work With Families
working with families to support breastfeeding
To achieve social behavioural change around infant and young child feeding, men have an important role to play.
Ghada and Bassam participated in World Vision's Go Baby Go program in Jerusalem and West Bank, and share about the education and support they received after their first child was born. Bassam reflects, "I encourage every husband to support his wife...because that will help her to continue to breastfeed the baby well, which will strengthen the immune system of the baby and ensure a healthy life for both."
Oad has become a strong support to his wife, Lamphane, around exclusive breastfeeding their youngest child since joining a Community-Change (C-Change) group focussed on gender equality. This was established by the EU-funded Accelerating Health and Nutrition (AHAN) project, in their community in Lao PDR. “Joining the C-Change group is a new good step for our family,” says Lamphane.
My husband helps me more with the housework, collecting water, storing the wood [and] cooking. Now, I have more time to breastfeed.
We also recognise the key role grandmothers play in caring for young children and advising and educating younger women on all aspects of family well-being. As a result, we are working to intentionally involve grandmothers and empower them in their traditional roles, so they can be more effective in improving the nutrition, health and development of their families and subsequent generations.