Clinic breathes new life to Fumugwe community in Matobo

The completion of Fumugwe Clinic in Matobo has brought joy and jubilation to villagers in the area as they now have access to health facilities close to their homesteads. In the past, expecting women would bear the burden of waking up as early as 5am to endure long distances of more than 25 kilometers the nearest clinic to access pre-natal and post-natal care.
It was a historic moment for Bekezela Zimbili (27) who was the first woman to deliver a baby girl at the newly constructed health facility. She represents joy, delight and relief for other women in the village.
“What a jovial moment it is for me and the community, an unforgettable moment indeed. I feel blessed to be the first woman to give birth at this nearby clinic without going through the struggle of travelling to Bazha clinic or Maphisa District Hospital.
The process of delivering went smoothly such that I did not encounter any complications during delivery. When I finally held my baby girl, I smiled because I knew we were in safe hands,” she said.
Village Head, Mabhena applauded the collaboration that exists between the community and partners in alleviating the suffering of women and children in the area.
“We used to encounter a lot of challenges due to the absence of the clinic. Women would at times give birth at home, travel long distances to the district hospital and children would at times miss their under-five baby clinic. This has changed, we now have our own local clinic and we hope that the birth of this little girl will encourage other pregnant women to deliver at this clinic,” he said.
The construction of the clinic saw the coming together of people for a common cause. The community spearheaded the process. They provided locally available resources such as bricks. Fumugwe Old Students Association initiated the construction of the out-patient-department block. The Ministry of Health and Child Care provided medical equipment and consumables and staff. World Vision Zimbabwe through the Matobo Area Program with funding support from Vision Switzerland provided building material for the completion of the out-patient department block, clinic staff houses and constructed the maternity ward from scratch up to completion. In addition Matobo Area Program installed the solar powered piped scheme to provide clean and adequate water which is essential for safe delivery of babies.
*Written by Saneliso Ngoma, Communications Intern recently in Matobo.