Building Brains - Building Futures

Why Do Early Moments Matter?
There is a growing recognition that nurturing, protecting, promoting and supporting children in their early years is essential for the transformation that the world seeks to achieve guided by the Sustainable Development Goals. The Lancet series Advancing early childhood development: from science to scale (2016) highlighted the importance of nurturing care in the first 1,000 days – from conception to age two – as the foundation for child development. The series emphasized that ‘nurturing care’ – an indivisible cluster of interventions related to health, nutrition, responsive caregiving, safety and security, and early learning – is the foundation for child development. The way mothers, fathers and other caregivers nurture and support children in the first 1000 days is among the most decisive factors for healthy child development, with lifelong and intergenerational benefits for health, productivity and social cohesion.
Through mutually accountable partnerships between relevant sectors – health, nutrition, social protection, child protection, education, and environmental health – the nurturing care kindles common action and promotes common results through country leadership. This presentation focuses on a roadmap for scaling-up programmes for children, drawing on the science in “Early Moments Matter for Every Child”.
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Learn More About Early Childhood Development Programmes at World Vision and UNICEF:
Thank You To Our Speaker: Dr. Pia Britto - UNICEF Global Chief and Senior Adviser for Early Childhood Development