Digital Health Application for Acute Malnutrition
World Vision developed and deployed a Digital Health application (app) for acute malnutrition in over 100 health facilities across five countries: Afghanistan, Niger, Chad, Mali, and Kenya. Along with implementing partners Save the Children and International Medical Corps, an evaluation of the CMAM app in Niger, Chad, Mali and Kenya was completed in FY16. Developing inter-operability between the government health management information system (HMIS) and the mobile app is the next step. Learn more about World Vision's work in Digital Health and more about World Vision's work with Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition, or CMAM.
VIDEO: This is How Aid Saves Lives (Mobile Health App in Kenya). Partners: Save the Children, Transform Nutrition, World Vision, UK Aid, USAID
Presentations and articles
Poster presentation at International Congress of Nutrition, 15-20 October 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Mobile Technology to improve treatment, reporting, and monitoring for acute malnutrition
Oral presentation at ICT4D, Hyderabad, India, 15-18 May 2017: mHealth for acute malnutrition in five countries: key lessons learned
Transform Nutrition Working Paper, World Vision/Save the Children, March 2017: A mobile health application to manage acute malnutrition: Lessons from developing and piloting the app in five countries
Article in Emergency Nutrition Network, Field Exchange 54, February 2017: Developing a mobile health app to manage acute malnutrition: a five-country experience
Fact Sheet, Dec 2016: mHealth for acute malnutrition in Mali
Poster presentation at ACF Conference, Paris, France, November 2016: Development and pilot of mHealth application to improve the treatment, monitoring and supply chain management for acute malnutrition
Poster presentation and handout for Global Nutrition Cluster Meetings, Amman, Jordan, October 2016: Experience in the development and rollout out of mHealth application for acute malnutrition programming