United Nations General Assembly
79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
The 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) will open on Tuesday, 10 September 2024. The first day of the high-level General Debate will be Tuesday, 24 September 2024.
The United Nations General Assembly brings together governments, civil society activists, faith partners, and UN leaders, providing a platform for World Vision and other NGOs to advocate for the needs and rights of vulnerable populations, particularly children in impoverished or crisis-affected regions. Here, we raise awareness about critical issues such as poverty, hunger, health, education, child protection, and violence against children, among others.
Our many side events this year will focus on the rights of children. We recognize that every child has the right to a safe healthy life, including a life free of hunger. We invite you to participate with us this year as we advocate to end child hunger and ensure child rights and participation at the global level.
We have ENOUGH. Let’s eliminate child malnutrition.
Let’s end child hunger now.
ENOUGH of the right foods — even in crises.
ENOUGH funding for nutrition.
ENOUGH food policies and services centred on and influenced by children.
Every child should enjoy ENOUGH nourishing food to thrive.

September 25, 2024
Partnerships to Catalyze Action to End Hunger and Malnutrition
On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, from 1:15 – 2:30 PM at The Church Center for the United Nations, World Vision and our partners will share how partnerships are essential for solutions-oriented action on child hunger and malnutrition.

September 23, 2024
Annual Prayer Service for Children and Young People
Our annual prayer service will occur on Monday, September 23, 2024, at 8:00 AM.
Children and religious leaders will join together to pray for the upcoming session at the United Nations and for ending child hunger and malnutrition.

September 20, 2024
Implementing the Pact for the Future: For Children and With Children
During the May 2024 UN Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, the ImPACT Coalition on Children’s Rights and Participation released a Call to Action to address children’s diverse needs through the Summit of the Future. This side event will explore how the Pact of the Future can be implemented with the rights of children at the forefront.
Join our Impact Coalition

September 22-23, 2024
Reflections on the Interreligious Imperative From the Pact For the Future and the Multilateralism Based on Human Fraternity
Major religions share an urgent need to call for strengthened multilateralism to address these growing crises. In today's world, characterized by diverse cultures, beliefs, and identities, but also by increased discord and divisions, the imperative of interconnection between interfaith dialogue and multilateral cooperation has never been greater. The event will be Monday, September 23, 2024 from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm EST at the Church Center for the United Nations.
Registration Link to Come
A life of plenty for every child is possible, yet every day more children go hungry. ENOUGH of the right food and nutrition is still not reaching the children who need it. This is just not good ENOUGH. Children are speaking out against this injustice and proposing solutions – together we will answer their call.
Every child deserves the food they need to develop a healthy body and mind. Every family deserves to be able to put ENOUGH of the right food on the table.
The number of children dying from hunger has declined every decade since the 80s. Now it’s back on the rise with spiraling food costs. Children are bearing the brunt of an unequal food system disrupted by conflicts and climate change. We take issue with a food system in our modern world that leaves children without the right nutrition. That means parents queuing for food everywhere, from rural Ethiopia to urban Sydney. Unable to provide for their children, parents face impossible choices.
Jesus did not hold back in the face of injustice and he challenged his followers to take up the cause of others, prioritising the marginalised and children. We are called to share the resources and food we have with those who have not.
We believe there is ENOUGH in this world for every child, no matter where they live, or the crises they face, to have the nourishing food they need to thrive and for families to be more resilient. God provided us with an abundant planet that has ENOUGH to feed every child well.