United Nations at the High Level Political Forum
At UN Headquarters in New York, NY
July 8 to July 18, 2024
World Vision has been contributing to the achievement of the SDGs since the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted by United Nations Member States. Right after the SDGs launched in 2016, we rolled out a global campaign to End Violence Against Children. The It Takes a World Campaign has impacted the lives of 325 million children.
World Vision has much to contribute to this year's HLPF theme of: “Accelerating the recovery from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the full implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at all levels.” As soon as the global pandemic hit the world, we launched COVID-19 Emergency Response to support children, families, and their communities to overcome COVID-19.
In the context of the meeting of the High-level Political Forum, which is held annually in New York, World Vision is part of the exhibition at the United Nations that features best and good practices to overcome to accelerate recovery from COVID-19 and to achieve some of the SDGs under review in 2023.
This year's United Nations High-Level Political Forum takes place 10 July to 19 July 2023.
We present this virtual portion of the exhibition to complement the onsite display.