publication / أغسطس 25, 2016
120 Días de Ayuda Humanitaria Ecuador
En las siguientes páginas, usted conocerá lo que hicimos en los primeros 120 días después del terremoto. Lo hacemos no solo para rendir cuentas de como usamos los recursos, sino para invitar a socios clave como usted; a que se sumen a un esfuerzo donde lo mejor aún está por hacerse.
publication / فبراير 21, 2017
FY16: End of year report World Vision Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs
Similar to what we have witnessed in previous years, the scale of humanitarian need in FY16 continued to grow to unprecedented levels. In FY16, World Vision delivered wide-ranging programmes to 15.4 million people across 130 humanitarian responses in 63 different countries.
publication / مايو 7, 2015
Annual Review 2014
The positive impacts yielded from World Vision Vietnam's work in 2014 reached the lives of 975,336 children directly and 2,102,297 children indirectly across Vietnam.
publication / سبتمبر 21, 2020
Government engagement in COVID-19 crisis
World Vision works in close coordination and collaboration with the government and its interventions contribute to the government’s plans and policies.
publication / نوفمبر 12, 2017
Livelihoods and Child Welfare among Poor Rural Farmers in East Africa
This paper explores aspects of household livelihoods and welfare among poor rural farmers in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The models use data from an extensive cross-sectional household survey undertaken in 2013 of over 3,500 rural households.