FY24 Annual Report

Discover World Vision South Sudan’s FY24 Annual Report

The achievements in programming and impact for 2024 were made possible through the strong collaborations and partnerships that World Vision South Sudan has established with its stakeholders. Our alliances with donors, local organisations, and community members, along with our integrated efforts in food assistance, food security, health and nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, and education allowed us to reach over three million people, including 2.6 million of the most vulnerable children. We prioritised protection, peacebuilding, gender equality, and social inclusion in our programming, enabling children, families, and communities to address their immediate needs while building resilience to adapt and thrive. This is especially crucial for those facing various challenges, including climatic shocks such as flooding, sporadic intercommunal conflicts, the ongoing Sudan crisis, influx of returnees and refugees, and an economic crisis exacerbated by inflation.

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Discover World Vision South Sudan's FY2023 Annual Report

South Sudan's overall fragility worsened in 2023 due to various reasons, including ongoing intercommunal conflicts, frequent climate shocks such as flooding and drought, rising cost of living, and the crisis in Sudan. All these factors led to an increase in food insecurity, malnutrition, and displacement. Humanitarian organisations operating in the country also faced multiple challenges, such as a lack of funding, safety concerns for staff, and difficulties accessing areas with the greatest need.

Despite these challenges, World Vision in South Sudan worked with donors, partners, governments, and communities to reach the most vulnerable. We reached over 3.2 million people, including 1.3 million vulnerable children, through our multi-sectoral approach.

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Discover our 2022 Annual Report

In 2022, South Sudan’s fragility continued to exacerbate as the country reeled from the increasing threats and impact of climate change and conflict, resulting to increased  hunger, displacements, and outbreaks of diseases. All these affect children and communities in many parts of the country.

World Vision South Sudan has remained steadfast on its commitment to deliver its promise — improve the lives of  3 million children by 2025 — as it pursued programs and projects focusing on emergency relief, recovery, and resilience.

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Peace not revenge: A new day dawns in South Sudan’s warring communities

Give peace a chance this 2022 Bhan appeals, "An elder said that to forgive someone is to forgive yourself. That touched me deeply."

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World Vision South Sudan


World Vision has been working in South Sudan since 1989, through our humanitarian work. Our operations cover four major zones: Juba, Upper Nile, Warrap, and Western Equatoria.

In 2023, World Vision's humanitarian assistance in the country has reached out to over 3.2 million people in need, including 1.3 million children, through various initiatives such as food security and livelihood, health and nutrition, protection, education, water, sanitation and hygiene among others. we continued to respond to multiple and, often overlapping crises that include food insecurity and malnutrition, and displacements of people caused by  inter-communal conflict, flooding, and the crisis in Sudan.

We were one of the few organizations that assisted in the war to the displaced populations in what was then the Southern Sudan region of Sudan, until after the birth of the Republic of South Sudan on 9 July 2011.

Our Impact

1.26 million

People reached through the Hunger Emergency Response and Sudan Crisis and Migration Emergency Response

Over 350,000

People reached with WASH interventions including access to clean water, basic sanitation, and other behavioral change activities

Over 237,700

People, mainly children, received education interventions

The Hunger Crisis: South Sudan battles one of its worst food insecurities

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A Sudanese boy drinking clean water

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