Catalysts of Change
Siem Reap – February 4th, 2017, 18.7 million riels were handed over to Kantha Bopha hospital by Youth Learning Club representatives from 10 targeted provinces where World Vision is working in.
The donation comes from the commitment of youths who are strongly activating change, by supporting the needs of children and communities in their respective provinces in Cambodia. The amount donated is an accumulation of different fundraising activities by the young people such as charity concerts, donation campaign, football tournaments, as well as proposal submissions to private companies, governors, communities, local authorities and micro-finance institutes.
Through the World Vision programme, youths have been empowered and encouraged to play a part in society.
Youth Leadership and Livelihood Development (YLLD) project is funded by the Australian government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The project has been introduced in 691 youth clubs which are led by Youth Learning Club leaders, and enable them to voice concerns and contribute ideas from community to national level; With this mobilisation, the youths have built community engagement and leadership skills while implementing community service learning projects. Through the World Vision programme, youths have been empowered and encouraged to play a part in society.