publication / Mai 27, 2021
CHNIS Maternal Newborn and Child Health Research Brief
This study was an exploration of the impact of World Vision’s package of core approaches to strengthen community systems to improve the health status of women, newborns and young children, especially the most vulnerable.
publication / Juli 5, 2021
Rapport Annuel 2020 - Niger
L’année 2020 a été une année particulière car elle a été marquée non seulement par l'avènement de la pandémie de la COVID-19 qui a eu un impact socio-économique important mais aussi par les crises sécuritaires et multiplication des attaques, notammen
article / Dezember 27, 2017
From housemaid to decent wage employment
Serkalem, 17, with three siblings, lives in Bahir Dar city some 557km from Addis Ababa. She was born to a poor family at a place called Merawi some 20km south of Bahir Dar.
article / Oktober 4, 2012
Mpharane Area Development Programme Provide New School Uniforms
It is 11:30am at ‘Masemousi primary school. Children sit or stand in groups eating. Some sit inside a fallen classroom.
article / Oktober 2, 2012
Harboring Hope Of A New Dawn
The torrential rains have brought misery and despair to the lives of thousands of Salvadoran families, who have had to leave their homes, leaving all their belongings, their animals, their crops and their homes, becoming part of the statistics of the shelters have been established in the West zon
article / September 28, 2012
Celebration of achievements and phase out
“No more discrimination. People living with HIV and AIDS, orphan and vulnerable children are closely paid attention. We are supported both mental and physical. Our family economy is much better through self-help group. Our children especially vulnerable children are encouraged to go to school.
article / September 26, 2012
Boys forced to beg
Mahamadou Kandé left home at the age of seven. Today, he is back from Senegal’s capital city, reunited with family and trying to recover from a traumatic experience.
article / Juli 23, 2020
#HiddenHero: Freddie is an embodiment of passion, excellence and empathy
The COVID-19 pandemic has been hard on most humanitarian agencies, testing their quest to help the most vulnerable communities, causing a shift in operations.
publication / August 30, 2013
Tackling Human Trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region
Human trafficking is a serious crime that affects men, women and children around the world. It involves putting or keeping someone in an exploitative situation, usually for profit.