10 Things to know about violence against children in Asia Pacific Infographic

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The purpose of the full publication which will be released soon is to inform the strategic approach of policy makers to end violence against children in Asia Pacific.  It outlines the ‘10 things you should know about violence against children in Asia Pacific’ to assist policymakers in developing actionable solutions to ending violence in the region. The ten themes are:

  1. Too much violence is not yet banned by law.
  2. Ending violence requires changing hearts and minds.
  3. Child marriage is a form of violence.
  4. Breaking down myths – boys suffer from violence, too.
  5. Violence may be virtual – dealing with online abuse and exploitation.
  6. Vulnerable children are at a higher risk of violence.
  7. Harming children is bad for the economy.
  8. A coordinated child protection system is needed to end violence.
  9. What we know about violence is only the tip of the iceberg.
  10. Businesses can end violence against children.