Together for a Chad without Child Marriage
68% of girls are married at 18 and 25% at 15. If nothing is done, this figure is likely to double by 2050!
As a country, Chad has the second-highest rate of early marriage. According to a UNFPA report, 1 in 10 girls had their first child before the age of 18 in Chad. This phenomenon is seriously by poverty and retrograde customs. Child marriage is a tragedy for the young people it affects, often the most vulnerable, poorest and marginalized girls.
Early marriage also plagues communities and societies as a whole, trapping married children and their families in a cycle of poverty that can persist from one generation to the next. Despite some recent measures taken to punish the accomplices of this practice, its prevalence is increasing and girls are suffering horribly. In view of all this, it is urgent that speeches give way to concrete actions. The State must punish this practice with the utmost energy by applying the legal provisions of child protection. Similarly, there is a need for increased awareness about the harms of this practice.
World Vision strives to act on all fronts to combat early marriage.
We believe that a Chad without Child Marriage is possible
Here are some of the forms of violence against children we’re working on to stop.