Child Protection and Spiritual Nurture
What we want to do:
We want to see children enjoy positive and peaceful relationships in their families and communities. We are working towards this by:
- Ensuring families and communities understand children’s rights, with an emphasis on the importance of birth registration
- Strengthening boys’ and girls’ resilience and capacity to become veritable actors for their protection and that of their peers
- Contributing to eliminate all harmful practices, such as child marriage, that affect childhood and jeopardize children’s futures
- Making sure children live in safe communities with adequate places to play and develop
- Making sure children are respected and allowed to participate in decisions that affect them
What is the problem?
In Zambia, children's rights continue to be threatened by various forms of violations such as sexual violence, child labour and child marriage, among other things. Such violations are detrimental to the development and growth of children, limiting their potential to bring about social and economic development.
How is World Vision addressing the issues?
Our child protection interventions are aimed at creating a safe environment in which children can thrive and experience the love of God and their neighbours. Our teams use models such as the Ending Child Marriage Campaign, Child Protection and Citizens Voice and Action (CVA) to enhance the protection and participation of children.
In Zambia, World Vision works with traditional and faith leaders, key government departments, such as the Victim Support Unit of the Police and Social Welfare, to advocate against child violations, such as child marriages and sexual violations. Our teams of dedicated professionals in Zambia also offer support to girls that are sexually and physically abused and those retrieved from child marriages.
This is promoting improved child protection and spiritual nurture. As a result, children are able to enjoy positive relationships with their peers, family and community members in an environment that recognizes their freedoms.
Is what World Vision doing working?
Yes! This is resulting in children being cared for in a loving, safe, family and community environments with safe places to play where they are celebrated and registered at birth.
What’s the impact?*
- World Vision has assisted the government to set up two birth registration centres in Eastern province (Chipata) and Northern Province (Kasama). The two centres are part of a move help the government decentralize the registration of birth certificates.
- The two birth registration centres will help more than 30,000 children obtain their birth certificates.