Improving food and nutrition security and resilience of vulnerable farming households in Banteay Meanchey Province

Under supported of the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through World Vision Germany and implemented by World Vision International Cambodia with Sovanna Phoum and Watanakpheap organisation, “Improving the Food and Nutrition Security and Resilience of Vulnerable Farming Households” Project is an initiative in purpose to joint with Cambodia Government in tackling food security, nutrition, climate change and COVID-19, which are threatening.
This project aims at “Improving food security and nutrition through the implementation of response mechanisms with adaptations of Climate Smart Agriculture and Nutritional Sensitive Agriculture; and Capacity Building of local organisations through smart agricultural practices and market linkage to promote Food Security and nutrition in four districts”.
The three NGOs expect 900 vulnerable families, 16 farming communities and 51 health centres to benefit with the implementation in four districts in the province, Phnom Srok, Preah Netr Preah, Mongkol Borei and Thmar Puok.