World Vision phases out 4 Area Programmes

Local authorities, communities, children, and World Vision International celebrated the successful completion of four Area Programmes in Kirivong, Kulen, Soutr Nikom, and Prasath Ballang districts in August 2024.
These celebrations marked the start of a new stage in the remarkable journey of change supported by World Vision in the four districts, impacting over 124,000 individuals, including more than 45,000 children.
For the past 15 years, World Vision’s Area Programmes (APs) empowered 103 villages from 15 communes of the four districts, by fostering local ownership and sustainability. A participatory approach involving community members in planning, implementing, and evaluating projects ensured that the initiatives were tailored to the community’s specific needs and priorities. During that period, 24,073 most vulnerable children and their families received the tools to overcome poverty, through projects addressing malnutrition, limited health and sanitation access, improving education, empowering youth, and protecting children from abuse and exploitation.
Through these interventions, the 103 communities supported witnessed significant enhancements:
The percentage of households with toilets increased from 6% to 93%.
Households accessing clean water has risen from 31% to 84%;
Grade 3 students reading comprehension bolstered from 38% to 62%.
World Vision International’s National Director in Cambodia, Janes Imanuel Ginting, stated: “We celebrate a story of transformation at the individual, household, community, and societal levels, resulting from solid partnerships with all stakeholders and a shared vision for the well-being of children. This is our story of hope, resilience, and collaboration. We are confident in the sustainable impact we have made and the lasting changes we have witnessed over the past years. World Vision is proud to have been part of this journey and to leave behind empowered communities ready to continue thriving.”
Children and youth share fond memories of their empowering development journey alongside World Vision:
"My family and community did not value participating in community development activities, and as a girl, I lacked courage and self-confidence. Now I am a girl full of hope and an agent of change for my family and community through voluntary community service and capacity building from World Vision” says Reaksa, sponsored child in Kulen district.
“I am grateful for the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained through World Vision. These opportunities transformed me from a shy individual into a confident youth club leader with strong communication and teamwork abilities. Now, as an English teacher, l can share knowledge with the children in my community,” says Sitha, youth club leader in Kirivong district.
Here is what the transformational journey looked like in the four Area Programmes:
Kirivong district, Takeo Province
Started in 2009, the Area Programme has impacted 10,636 people, including 6,481 children, of whom 4,301 are the most vulnerable, in 27 villages. The programme has made significant improvements in:
Primary school enrollment increased from 60% in 2009 to 100% in 2023
School dropout rate reduced from 35% to just 5%.
Health and nutrition
42 active Saving Groups were established to help communities build financial resilience and economic empowerment.
3 Water connection system managed by Agriculture Cooperatives benefiting directly 2,703 children.
These efforts collectively help agricultural cooperatives manage and sustain their water connections, ensuring long-term agricultural productivity and resilience.
Eam Nhim, an Agricultural Cooperative Leader in Ta O commune, Kirivong district, shared: "Once our community members learnt about growing vegetables, they were able to cultivate crops two to three times a year. This improved their living conditions, allowing them to better support their children's education and reducing migration from the community."
Kulen district, Preah Vihear Province:
Over the past 17 years, the Area Programme has transformed the lives of 47,611 people, including 11,847 children – including 6,439 most vulnerable—in 18 villages. Among other achievements:
Health & Nutrition
Stunting rates in children under five years old reduced from 60% in 2006 to 26.7% in 2023
The proportion of births assisted by skilled health workers increased from 59.1% in 2011 to 100% in 2023
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
79% of households are now accessing clean water, against 37.5% in 2006;
90% of households have toilets, against 15% in 2006.
Sophy, a commune council member in Thmey commune, recalled, “In the past, our community faced many challenges, with limited knowledge on health and hygiene, leading to numerous diseases. World Vision’s presence has led to improvements in various sectors such as health, education, child protection, commune administration, and citizen participation. World Vision has especially enhanced the knowledge of our community members, focusing on women and children.”
Soutr Nikom district, Siem Reap Province
Opened in 2009, the Area Programme impacted 33,100 people, including 12,707 children, 10,347 most vulnerable – across 33 villages.
Health & Nutrition
The percentage of the service health centre standards improved increased from 40% in 2020 to 100% in 2022
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)
94% of households have toilets, against 3.4% in 2009
73.4% of households access clean water (drinking water), against 49.4% in 2014
Significant changes in public service delivery in the community have been noted in Soutr Nikom. The programme equipped the Commune Committees for Women and Children (CCWC) to respond timely to child protection issues. It also focused on increasing literacy rates and improving learning environments in schools by providing training to primary school teachers.
The percentage of grade 3 students reading with comprehension increased from 39% in 2008 to 56% in 2023,
Schools with improved learning environments increased from 40% in 2020 to 91% in 2023.
Mrs. Ros Pisey, a primary school teacher who became a district trainer after receiving training in areas such as Learning Roots, Unlock Literacy, positive discipline, library management, and pedagogical counseling, emphasized, “The students are thriving, and we are committed to working together with the community and authorities to continue enhancing the quality of education for our students.”
Prasath Ballang district, Kampong Thom province
The Area Programme has empowered community members, partners, and youths to improve well-being and livelihoods over the past 15 years. The programme has positively impacted 33,522 people, including 14,386 children - 3,231 most vulnerable – across 25 villages.
School dropout rate has reduced from 17% in 2013 to 0.85% in 2024,
School enrollment increased from 74% in 2013 to 94.52% in 2023.
Access to toilets has increased from 0.1% in 2008 to 94.52% in 2024,
Access to clean water soared from 14% in 2013 to 89.4% in 2024.
Child Protection
The percentage of adolescents aware of public services to respond to reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation, or violence against children increased from 45.49% in 2018 to 65% in 2022.
Children aged 12-18 reporting living in a safe and protected environment with their families increased from 61.6% in 2018 to 70.01% in 2022.
The local authorities also noticed the drop in rates of domestic violence through the celebrating families approach introduced by World Vision. The model supports families in creating a nurturing environment that fosters children’s spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.
"Domestic violence has been reduced by about 80%. Children are protected with the support of NGO partners, and our commune administrative staff have created child protection networks, such as the Commune Committee for Women and Children (CCWC). Now we know better how to refer cases of exploitation to appropriate services" says Kean Kimsean, Commune Council of Sakream commune, Prasath Ballang district.
With deep gratitude, World Vision appreciates the generosity of its supporters in Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, United Kingdom and the tireless support of its steadfast partner, the Royal Government of Cambodia.
World Vision still operates in 39 Area Programmes, covering 1,043 communes and 123 districts/khan within 20 provinces and Phnom Penh Capital. In 2023, the child well-being agency reached over 3.2 million people, improving the lives of 1.5 million children across Cambodia. The Christian non-profit organisation is committed to achieving sustainable well-being for 5 million boys and girls by 2027, directly contributing to the National Pentagon Strategy of the Royal Government of Cambodia and seven Sustainable Development Goals.