Joining Forces Alliance Statement on the 2024 Fourth Quarter GBV Data Analysis

For immediate release
February 12, 2025, Lusaka, Zambia- The Joining Forces Alliance expresses deep concern over the alarming number of children affected by Gender-Based Violence (GBV), as highlighted in the 2024 Fourth Quarter GBV Data Analysis released by the Zambia Police on February 1, 2025. The report indicates that 2,666 children were victims of GBV, accounting for 21.5% of all reported cases.
These statistics reflect the continued vulnerability of children to various forms of violence, exploitation, and abuse, despite existing legal and policy frameworks designed to protect them. The persistent prevalence of GBV against children is not just a violation of their fundamental rights but also a critical threat to their physical, emotional, and psychological well-being
"Beyond the numbers, these cases represent disrupted childhoods, shattered dreams, and stolen futures. Every act of violence against a child robs them of their sense of safety, their ability to learn, and their right to grow up free from fear. The trauma of GBV does not end with the incident. It lingers, affecting their confidence, mental health, and overall development," said Antoinette Ngoma, Chairperson of the Joining Forces Alliance.
It is critical that stronger child protection mechanisms are put in place to prevent and respond to such cases. The implementation of child protection laws must be strengthened to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable, while investment in prevention programs and survivor-centered support services must be prioritized.
“It is not enough to be shocked by these statistics; we must transform our collective outrage into action. The protection of children is a shared responsibility, and we must build stronger, more resilient systems that not only prevent violence but also support healing and recovery for survivors. Every child deserves to feel safe, valued, and empowered, and we will continue to advocate tirelessly for their rights," said Antoinette.
The Joining Forces Alliance remains committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to create a safe, protective, and enabling environment for all children. It is imperative that urgent and coordinated action is taken to end gender-based violence against children and uphold their rights.
For more information, please contact:
• Petronella Chindumba - Email: or Call: +260967892901
• Mirriam Musonda - Email: or Call: +260969401066
• Gift Katuta - Email: or Call: +260762416521
• Priscilla Chama - Email: or Call: +260977450009
• Kambani Phiri - Email: or Call: +260970937954
Notes to the Editor:
In 2017, the six largest child-focused agencies, ChildFund International, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS Children's Villages, Terre des Hommes International Federation, and World Vision International, joined forces. We aim to use our collective power to accelerate change to secure children's rights and end violence against them. We will pilot and scale innovative and effective approaches worldwide and be driven by children's voices and needs.