Sambath and Laum from Cambodia, fishing with their grandmother

World Bank Fragility Forum 2024

Fragile contexts are some of the most dangerous places in the world to be a child. In these environments, children suffer extreme levels of abuse, exploitation, deprivation, and violence, and face high levels of food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition. World Vision has committed, through the Our Promise strategy, to deepen our impact on the most vulnerable children in Fragile and Conflict-affected Situations (FCS).

The World Bank Fragility Forum 2024 is a biannual high-level event taking place 27-29 February with an additional day for partnership-led events on 1 March. The Forum brings together practitioners and policymakers from around the world to exchange knowledge and experience on engaging in environments affected by Fragility, Conflict, and Violence (FCV).

At the Fragility Forum, World Vision will bring focus to children in fragile contexts and advocate for people-centred, child-focused development outcomes. We will also demonstrate the breadth and depth of our experience and expertise working at scale and in an integrated way across humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding nexus programming in fragile contexts. As part of our work, we are committed to strengthening the implementation of the OECD’s DAC Recommendations on the Humanitarian – Development, and Peace Nexus and to promoting collective efforts toward achieving the critical principles outlined in these guidelines.

As one of the world’s foremost development organizations with a significant focus on fragility, conflict, and violence, the World Bank has a critical role in driving solutions to the alarming reversal of child well-being in fragile contexts and significant potential for promoting the principles of the OECD’s Nexus Guidelines. The Fragility Forum will be a vital platform to progress this work.

World Vision will enhance and promote the conversation to find solutions addressing the needs of children in environments of fragility, conflict, and violence. 



Our Engagements At The Fragility Forum

World Vision will enhance and promote the conversation to find solutions addressing the needs of children in environments of fragility, conflict, and violence.

World Vision US visitors tour ancient Saida (Sidon) with Sheikh Mohammad, a partner promoting peace among local religious groups

Thursday, 29 February 9:00AM ET, Chai Chat at World Bank HQ

“Engaging Inter-Faith Actors Against Gender-Based Violence and Violence against Children,” led by Dragana Bulic

The Humanitarian Crisis in Eastern DRC

Friday, 1 March 9:30AM ET, Partnership Day Event at World Bank HQ

“Building Recovery and Resilience in FCV Context – Learnings from World Vision’s Work,” led by World Vision UK and World Vision Somalia

A man watering his plantation

Friday, 1 March 2:30PM ET, Partnership Day Event at World Bank HQ

“The Role of Food Security and Agriculture in Addressing Multidimensional Challenges Related to FCV: Lessons Learned and Perspectives”, led by Nishant...

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