2023 Annual Report - Ethiopia
In 2023 Ethiopia was grappling with multi-pronged humanitarian crises due to climate change-induced disasters, conflicts, and disease outbreaks putting the lives and livelihood of millions of Ethiopians at risk, particularly the most vulnerable children. As a result, millions of people were internally displaced while many more were affected by drought which led to crop failure and massive loss of livestock.
According to the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) as of February 2023, there were approximately 28 million people (54 per cent girls and boys) in need of humanitarian assistance across the country. To alleviate the situation World Vision Ethiopia (WVE) carried out various humanitarian works to save lives and restore livelihoods as well as integrated development interventions to create an enabling environment where children are protected and can thrive and reach their God-given potential.
Since 2020, World Vision Ethiopia has been responding to the evergrowing humanitarian needs across the country concurrently undertaking integrated development programming interventions in many parts of the country through the community-based Area Programmes.
In the year 2023, WVE in partnership with individual sponsors, bilateral and multilateral donors, foundations, governments, UN Agencies, the communities we work with, and over 2,000 committed staff carried out massive humanitarian and development works benefitting over 8.5 million people including more than 6 million girls and boys through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Integrated Livelihoods and Nutrition Security (ILaNS), Child Protection and Participation (CPP), Education and Life Skills (EdLS), Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs (HEA), Community Engagement and Sponsorship Plan (CESP) as well as grants projects including SPIR II Project and Water for Life (W4L+) Project. World Vision Ethiopia, also responded to humanitarian crises such as the Global Hunger Emergency Response (GHR), Sustained Humanitarian Response (SHR), Northern Ethiopia Crisis Response (NECR), the Gedeo-Guji IDPs and Returnees Response, and the Wellega-Benishangul responses.