World Vision Syria Responses Situation Report July September
World Vision Syria Response reveals that the WASH and health needs in Northwest Syria are growing with over two million people without access to full WASH services and hospitals. First cases of cholera outbreak have been reported in August 2022. Medication, support for case management, and equipping health facilities are the most urgent priorities for the response. Education needs are also skyrocketing as funding has been significantly cut, and Syria Cross-border Humanitarian Fund (SCHF) is not “willing” to cover the continuously increasing needs of 2.5 million Syrian children out of school.
800,000 malnourished girls and boys are most at risk of infection and possible death if treatment is not immediately made available, with the very first cases of this highly contagious disease being reported as early as August 25. Living in overcrowded sites, and unable to afford clean drinkable water, children and their families must be protected before the disease spreads any further.